Stewie2k called s1mple "the face of Russia". The sniper's response was not long in coming
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  • 17:43, 30.09.2023

Stewie2k called s1mple "the face of Russia". The sniper's response was not long in coming

Streamer and former Liquid and EG player Jake "Stewie2k" Yip called NAVI sniper Aleksandr "s1mple" Kostyliev "the face of Russia" during one of his personal broadcasts. The Ukrainian teased him in response on Twitter.

s1mple did not like such a comparison, made most likely accidentally and carelessly, so he made a joke about Jakie's appearance.

Don’t think u would be happy if I call you - The Face of North Korea
Aleksandr “s1mple” Kostyliev 

One of the users suggested that Stewie2k did not say it on purpose, to which Kostylev responded as follows:

I know and? Not first time someone call me like this, tired of bad geography knowledge and not only this but there is War if anyone forgot
Aleksandr “s1mple” Kostyliev

We remind you that tomorrow at 17:00 s1mple and NAVI will play in the final bo5 at EPL Season 18 against the winner of the pair ENCE - MOUZ. The semi-final match is already live.

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