Sico has left Grayhound Gaming - he has been part of the team for five years

Sico has left Grayhound Gaming - he has been part of the team for five years

The esports club Grayhound Gaming announced changes in their CS2 lineup. The announcement was made on the organization's official Twitter.

Simon 'Sico' Williams has left Grayhound. The New Zealand esports athlete had been part of the current roster for five years. Along with his teammates, he represented clubs such as RenegadesORDER, and most recently Grayhound. Together, the team was considered a leader in Oceania in Counter-Strike and regularly represented the region at majors.

At the time of publication, it is unknown who will replace Sico in the lineup. Rumors suggest that Justin 'jks' Savage or Christopher 'dexter' Nong may become new members of Grayhound for CS2. The team's next tournament will be a LAN in Thailand - CS2 Thailand Invitational.


Sico has been competing in the professional Counter-Strike scene since 2014. During this period, he has won a number of local competitions and earned $87,000 in prize money.

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