SHAPITO players admitted to using radarhack right during an official match

SHAPITO players admitted to using radarhack right during an official match

CEO of the Ukrainian organization IKLA Maksym Bednarskyi in his official Twitter account reported that the players of the Ukrainian team SHAPITO right during the official match admitted to using radarhack.

Maksym Bednarskyi:

SHAPITO members discuss in chat that no one will ban them and they use radar and MDA cheat. The screenshot shows these clowns bragging about making more money than professional players in some organizations
I would like to see some action taken.

And here is the actual screenshot from the game chat itself:

LAYM: I play with radarhack and plate (hardware cheat MDA) and nobody can ban me delus1onn: Don't embarrass yourself, for God's sake.
LAYM: I will "trash" weaklings like you and make money, and you will sit on the bench in Aurora for 1000$.

On this screen you can see how two people from SHAPITO openly talk about playing with software via DMA-card and reproach other honest players for "ride the bench for 1k$.

This game was held as part of the qualification for the tournament on the Faceit platform.

The composition of the SHAPITO team last time looked like this:

And here is actually a clear example of how some teams played qualifying for championships:

As of this writing, the team's players have not responded to the incident in any way.

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