Peacemaker has spoken out about the inflated fines and redemptions on the Brazilian CS2 scene

Peacemaker has spoken out about the inflated fines and redemptions on the Brazilian CS2 scene

Popular coach Luis “peacemaker” Tadeu raised serious questions about excessive and sometimes senseless fines and buyouts in the Brazilian cybersports community, particularly in CS.

He cites the smart and strategic policy of the Bleed organization and its coach Aleksandar “Kassad” Trifunović, who managed to significantly reduce the cost of player acquisitions. In particular, Joakim “jkaem” Myrbostad's buyout price was reduced from $1.2 million to $65,000 and Tim “nawwk” Jonasson was asked for $450,000, but Kassad was able to get him for $65,000, which saved $1.5 million.

Peacemaker notes that such caution and negotiating skills demonstrate a high level of professionalism and understanding of the market. At the same time, he criticizes Brazilian organizations for their inability to effectively manage their resources, citing examples with overpriced players. For example, teams in Brazil often set fines and buyouts in the millions of reais, which Peacemaker believes is unreasonable and detrimental to the development of the market.

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He believes that high buyouts on little-known players only inflate the market and make it unstable. For example, Fluxo spent R$1.8 million to buy out Lucaozy, which Peacemaker considers excessive, especially when compared to how an experienced and titled player like felps was sold for only R$8,000.

Peacemaker urges Brazilian organizations to be more careful in their team management and manager selection to avoid unnecessary spending and maintain a healthy financial structure in cybersports. He fears that if the trend of overpricing continues, it will negatively impact the entire market, making it unsustainable.

As a result, Peacemaker calls for a more rational approach to managing cyber sports teams, emphasizing the importance of professionalism and strategic thinking in the current market conditions.

Source: YouTube

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