Official instructions from a Valve employee on how to report bot farms
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  • 10:54, 19.05.2024

Official instructions from a Valve employee on how to report bot farms

One of Valve's employees has given instructions on how to effectively report bots and lobby boosts in CS 2. This information appeared on Reddit with detailed information.

Following this guide requires only two steps

  1. Send a message to their email [email protected] with the subject “boosting report”.
  2. In the message attach screenshots of the score sheet with the players, links to profiles that are found to be boosting and a link to your profile so they can investigate and take action.

So, if you encounter a boosting lobby filled with bots, you know what to do to get such accounts banned and the servers cleaner.

The step-by-step guidelines will help speed up the process of investigating and taking action against dishonest players, which will ultimately improve the gaming experience for everyone in the community. The more players who follow these guidelines, the faster and more effectively Valve will be able to address the problems associated with booing and bots.

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