Nathan NBK Schmitt, an experienced French Counter-Strike player, has announced his return to professional CS2 after a three-month break. The 29-year-old has spoken out on social media, expressing disappointment with his experience with the Falcons, his last team, citing a lack of professionalism and motivation on the roster.
It's time to go back. I have been away for the last 3-4 months after the difficult challenges I faced in my first international squad.
NBK's comeback comes after a difficult period in his career. He joined the Falcons in December 2023, but the team was unsuccessful and was eventually relegated from the European Pro League.
This situation hit me mentally, since the composition was dead from the moment of its creation, and the basic principles of professionalism were simply absent. During this time, I followed most of the games and tournaments to stay up to date with the meta and the state of the pro scene.
NBK's next move remains unclear, but his return will undoubtedly cause a stir among CS2 fans. His experience and leadership skills can be valuable assets for any team that wants to succeed in future tournaments.
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