NAVI to Ro8, FaZe Clan eliminated from EPL S14

NAVI to Ro8, FaZe Clan eliminated from EPL S14

Not the result most have anticipated.

Direct quarterfinal berth on the line.

Natus Vincere, who have already guaranteed themselves a spot in the ESL Pro League Season 14 playoffs, faced off against FaZe Clan for a chance to finish first, as the European mix could finish anywhere, from first to fourth in the group C.

Starting on Inferno, teams traded blows back and forth with FaZe Clan taking a “7-6” lead, but NAVI switched with a narrow advantage. Game, however, stopped being close after that, as the number one team in the world did not drop a single round in the second half, running away with the map, “16-7”. Nuke looked to be following the same example, as FaZe had a “9-6” lead before NAVI promptly retaking it and leading with a “14-12”, but Europeans hit the map point first before going to the overtime after a loss to a half buy. In the overtime, however, Natus Vincere caught a break with “Perfecto” winning a massive “1v3” when it was “17-17”, secured the map, “19-17” and advanced to the quarterfinals with a “2-0”.

FaZe Clan, in the meantime, got eliminated, as both mousesports and Fnatic secured their wins so the team is going to be preparing for the BLAST Premier Fall and IEM Fall in the upcoming weeks.

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