The series opened on Vertigo, chosen by Sharks, where M80 clinched a 13-9 victory. Despite a setback on Mirage, losing 13-10 to Sharks, M80 rebounded on the decider map, Anubis, with another 13-9 win, demonstrating their ability to recover and execute under pressure.
s1n, from M80, was named the match's MVP, ending with an impressive 7.0 rating. His performance was crucial in his team's success, particularly in the critical rounds on Anubis.
With this win, M80 is set to face G2 in the lower semi-finals, while Sharks face a challenging path in the Last Chance Stage, where they will compete against the loser of the Tyloo match for tournament survival. This stage of the tournament is crucial, and all teams will undoubtedly bring their best game to secure a spot in the further rounds.
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