LMBT revealed the difficulties the Monte team had to overcome to reach Sydney
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  • 10:06, 14.10.2023

LMBT revealed the difficulties the Monte team had to overcome to reach Sydney

Today, in his Telegram channel, the coach of the Monte team, Sergey "lmbt" Bezanov, shared the challenges the Ukrainian team had to face before reaching Sydney, where the Intel Extreme Masters Sydney 2023 is about to begin!


I promised to share a video and reveal the details of how it all happened... you all saw the news with the post where we could have missed the tournament. We turned to you, the fans, and you responded. I am very grateful to the kind people for their help. In this video, you will see some behind-the-scenes moments.So, within 48 hours, my car had no engine, and it was completely disassembled, and we still didn't have permission, but we believed that everything would be fine. I am also very grateful to three services that made the impossible possible and did it flawlessly.
We left Kiev at 5 in the morning towards the border and waited for permission all day, the journey from home to the hotel in Warsaw took 24 hours. Then I had only 4 hours to sleep because I had to do some things before the flight in the morning.
The flight itself was not very tough and took approximately 30 hours from the hotel in Warsaw to the hotel in Sydney.
This is not a complaint post; it's a post to show you the circumstances I had to deal with on the way here. Thanks to everyone!

Along with this post, Sergey also uploaded a video montage with moments from the trip.

Yesterday, messages from players started coming in that they had arrived in Australia. Many of them complained about the long flight and the significant time difference. This is why the matches will start at 4:00 AM Kiev time.

Recall that IEM Sydney 2023 will take place from October 16 to 22, with a prize pool of $250,000, and the tournament winner will receive $100,000 and a slot at IEM Katowice 2024. Additionally, this event is part of Intel Grand Slam Season 5. Currently, VitalityENCEG2, and MOUZ are participating in the race for $1,000,000 in golden bars. They all have one victory each and are participating in IEM Sydney 2023.

Source: Telegram

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