In their Telegram channel, player kONO.ECF byr9 published a message in which their team was offered to participate in fixed matches using radar.
An unknown person wrote to their team manager, suggesting the use of radars at tournaments where there is no anti-cheat, CCT and United. The message offered the possibility of splitting profits 70% to 30% in favor of the team.
You understand that we refuse, and they will refuse someone else. And then we play tournaments against different teams, such as Zero Tenacity and Thunderflash, and we think when they will guess whether they really guessed or it was additional help. And from this sometimes paranoia begins, because, for example, you can play against someone else, and when people guess, you start to doubt whether they really guessed and they have such a game sense. In any case, our team is only for fair play. Especially me and Kirill have been playing for 4.5 years and we have never been involved in fixed matches. And playing fair is a matter of principle. Despite all the sticks in the wheels that are put by Valve, developers and tournament organizers, we are moving on the right track to our dreams and we will not stop.
At the moment, kONO.ECF are performing in various tier2 and tier3 tournaments where they are showing themselves quite well. The best result for the team after signing was the European Pro League 2nd Division Season 12, where they finished 2nd and earned $3,000, losing in the grand final to Zero Tenacity.
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