EXCLUSIVE with fear before RMR: “We are ready to play against any opponent”
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  • 17:56, 20.11.2024

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EXCLUSIVE with fear before RMR: “We are ready to play against any opponent”

Bo3.gg spoke with the captain of Passion UA, Rodion fear Smyk. In an interview before the European RMR B for the Perfect World Shanghai Major 2024, he talked about the team's preparation, their chances to qualify for the Major, and where he plans to spend the money from the stickers.

Have you managed to acclimate before the tournament?

We tried to consider this aspect, we had early wake-ups back in Europe. But there is indeed little time for acclimatization. Jet lag affects us, but it's a common situation for all teams as the tournament schedule is determined by the organizer.

How are you adapting to the new time zone?

We tried back in Europe. We usually got up at 10-11 in the morning, then started waking at 8-9 to gradually adjust to the local time. Because here we wake up at 3-4 in the morning.

Kane shared Passion UA goals for 2025
Kane shared Passion UA goals for 2025   

How do you assess your level of preparation?

This is a very important tournament for everyone, for me, for the guys, for the organization. Our level of preparation is better than for the online RMR. We prepared even better, the guys understand where they're going and take it seriously.

How important is the first match against VP for you?

The match is important on all levels. Also, it's a BO1, a kind of roulette; we also understand that the tournament continues until three wins or three losses. So, we are setting ourselves up for the whole distance. It doesn't determine whether we start 1-0 or 0-1, 2-0 or 0-2. It lasts until three wins or three losses, that's our attitude.

Do you have an advantage over Virtus.pro?

They are more experienced, but we will have a slight advantage because we are playing from the hotel, which allows us to avoid unnecessary travel, so that's our small advantage. We'll have more time to set up because before this, we played LAN in Poland, and there I played with mouse acceleration due to my lack of experience. But Virtus.pro are more experienced, so we can't underestimate them.

Fear and Burmylov have joined Fnatic
Fear and Burmylov have joined Fnatic   

What do you think about playing from a hotel? Is it fair?

All teams play under the same conditions from hotels. It's the organizers' decision, and we are okay with it. I think playing from a hotel is due to the fact that renting venues in Shanghai is very expensive, as it has a population of 25 million, it's a very large city.


What are your goals for the tournament?

Our initial goal was to make it to Shanghai. We have already achieved this. So, I believe there's no pressure on us. Everyone can just give their best and play to the fullest. Everything will be fine. We have good chances.

How do you assess your chances?

I assess them as 50-50. For English-speaking audiences, we are more of an underdog. I see some pick'ems, but I think it will be very even, we'll see how it goes.

IKLA: "Kvem illegally signed a contract with Passion UA"
IKLA: "Kvem illegally signed a contract with Passion UA"   

Are there teams you want or don't want to play against?

I would like to play against Spirit or G2. I generally consider Group B to be more tight-knit, we have two clear favorites - G2 and Spirit. The rest will fight for five tickets. Overall, we're ready to play against any opponent.

Do you feel like finally being at the RMR you can prove yourself personally, show your level?

Of course, I'm happy that we made it and got the visit, because, for example, at the first RMR, which we didn't make, we beat GamerLegion, and GamerLegion made it to the major finals. So there's that parallel. Of course, no one compares it like that, but you always keep it in your mind subconsciously. It took me two years to return to this level. I believe I deserve the place where I am now. And I hope everything will be fine in China. We are aiming to advance to the next stage. We have confidence, we've prepared a lot.

How did you feel becoming a captain of an already formed team?

I've known the guys for a long time, since the second team of The Witchers, I know four people. So, I've been familiar with them for years. I came in as a captain and just looked at things that needed improvement. They already had their own base, foundation. Together with Mykhaylo, we improved those areas.

Kvem joined Passion UA
Kvem joined Passion UA   

How is it working with coach Kane?

Kane is very calm, and I'm more emotional. Sometimes conflicts arise, but they are constructive. His approach and experience greatly help the team.


Does your emotionality become a problem during matches?

I control my emotions. The tournaments we've played leading up to Shanghai were part of our preparation, and they helped us get used to the pressure.

How do you rate the team's latest matches?

We learn from our losses. It's better to lose a few games before an important tournament than during it. I believe each loss is a lesson.

Passion UA has signed a new captain
Passion UA has signed a new captain   

Why is there skepticism around Team 500 in the community?

I never mention it, I have no evidence, but I just look at statistics, I see they lose a map 11-1 or 10-2 and then make a comeback. They do it often, for example, this month. When we played against them, by the way, I'm not accusing them, I'm just sharing my thoughts.

Do you see the path forward?

Specifically with this team I'm currently with. I really wanted to work with Mykhaylo Kane because he's the second person after B1ad3 to win a Major. So, you understand the level of this person. And of course, I realized when I joined that he would give me a lot of new knowledge, and that's what happened, and that's basically how I progressed. It will be the same at the RMR in Shanghai. I'll go to Shanghai, gain some experience, emotions. I consider our preparation for this RMR in Shanghai to be practically perfect.

Will you have a different form in Shanghai?

This is our best form before Shanghai. It's 100%. You take the practice stats, you take my personal feelings inside. This is our best form.

Fear left the Passion UA roster for CS2
Fear left the Passion UA roster for CS2   1

Aren't you worried that such words might work against you if things don't go as planned?

The only problem here is that it's LAN. Not online, but LAN. I'll say it again, I feel we are in our best form right now. We might lose 0-3, even in our best form. It's not a big deal, we'll learn from it and move on. We can go 3-0. In general, my prediction is 3-0.

What did you discover in your relationship with Kane in coaching?

Mykhaylo impressed me a lot because I would get up at 4 in the morning, just walking past the game room, and see him watching demos. If I had to name a coach on a permanent basis who watches demos at 4 in the morning, it would be about 5%, maybe B1ad3 and zonic. All others are more like fulfilling the coach's role. That's what I liked a lot. And of course, the way he presents the material, I like the process itself.

What will be the biggest challenge specifically in the LAN format?

We went to two of our LANs. The first was this recent Polish one, unsuccessful. And the first, I consider, is online qualification, of course, LAN online. We went to Germany, also without Mykhaylo, just as players. We had a day to set up, we sat down, set up, and played very well. I think we will be fine in China because we won't be rushed to set up in 15 minutes, we'll be able to sit calmly. We won't have internet problems because the internet in this house was terrible for eight months. So, online games would have been better if we had better internet, by about 20%. And 20% at our level means top-30. I'm 100% sure of that.

s-chilla leaves Passion UA after triumph at RMR and Major
s-chilla leaves Passion UA after triumph at RMR and Major   

How would you characterize the current state of the Ukrainian pro scene, what does it lack?

Qualified coaches. One is in NAVI, the second in Passion UA. LMBT is currently not working anywhere. He was working in Monte and is now unemployed. Amiran (ami) is no longer in this field. Well, he always loved joining TeamSpeak. I'm sure he still does, giving tips to the guys, sharing his experience. And, there's Shockwave. We have five tier-one coaches.

Do you have any communication with Zinchenko and how does he influence the team?

His schedule is tight, but I watched the latest vlog of the Ukrainian national football team, and they asked him this question. Is it true that if the guys perform well at the RMR, you'll buy them a car? He said, yes, it will be necessary to spend, they deserve it.

What can you share about your interactions with Zinchenko? Have you discussed future topics over the phone?

His policy is such that he doesn't want to sell players to other teams. He doesn't need to. He wants to develop his club. He wants to beat NAVI. He is an ambitious person, and I understand that very well. And I like that, I sympathize with it. At the beginning, when I just joined, they often came in Teamspeak to ask how things were with the CEO. I also understand that they have work, a tight schedule. The last time we spoke was in the summer over the phone.

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[Exclusive] Fear on the Future of Passion UA Roster: “I Won’t Leave if the Roster is Fully Preserved”   

How would you describe each of the team players?

Jambo: very talented, he's currently at the peak of his form.

Jackasmo: currently in average form.

s-chilla: He's the calmness of the team, he can give a gun to others and play with something else himself. He sacrifices himself a lot.

zeRRoFIX: In good form, I compare him to iM.

How do you maintain contact with your family?

We communicate when there's time. I'm glad my parents are safe, and it allows me to focus on games.

Does the war in Ukraine affect your preparation?

It's a heavy moral factor, but we try not to get distracted and focus on the game.

CEO of Passion UA: “Now there is interest in our players, we are communicating with various organizations”
CEO of Passion UA: “Now there is interest in our players, we are communicating with various organizations”   

What will you do if you receive stickers?

I liked what headtr1ck said in your AMA session — part of it for the Armed Forces, part for family, and leave a little for myself.

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