Dataminer has learned the release date for Counter-Strike 2
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  • 20:17, 07.08.2023

Dataminer has learned the release date for Counter-Strike 2

Data miner Thour has discovered details regarding the dates for Premier Mode seasons and leaderboard categories. After examining the game code, he concluded that the release of CS2 might be in the second half of September.

The leaderboards for Premier Mode in Counter-Strike 2, as previously reported by another data miner, Aquarius, will be divided into four categories:

(Note: The following categories have not been provided. Please provide the list or more information, and I will gladly help you translate or expand on it.)

  • Global leaderboard
  • Regional leaderboard
  • Country leaderboard
  • Friends Leadership Table

There are also four seasons already on the leaderboard menu:

  • Closed test. Beta season
  • Fall 2023. September 23 - December 22.
  • Spring 2024. March 20 - June 21
  • Fall 2024. September 22 - December 21

Based on the start date of the first full season, Thour speculated that CS2 will be released on September 23, 2023, or earlier.

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