Coldzera discussed the attempt to acquire s1mple and flamie for MIBR, mentioning that they dreamt about it, but ultimately woke up with Stewie2k and tarik
14:19, 02.12.2023

In a podcast with Thorin, legendary Brazilian player Marcelo coldzera David elaborated on the attempt to buy out Alexander s1mple Kostylev and Yegor flamie Vasilyev from Natus Vincere for MIBR.
The Brazilian organization MIBR tried to buy out Alexander Kostylev and Yegor Vasilyev from Natus Vincere, but the transfer fell through. The players already had tickets in hand and were ready to fly to sign a new contract.
The refusal from the organization was due to Natus Vincere offering better terms for the players.
We talked with flamie and s1mple, and we almost finalized the deal. Flamie was 100% ready to transfer; he even almost bought a ticket to fly over. And s1mple was about 90% ready, but NAVI offered him better terms, like someone from his family [his brother] also works in the organization. They were able to offer them both something better, and he decided not to transfer. After that, we said that if s1mple isn't coming, then we don't need flamie, as it would require significant language adjustments. So then we decided to go with Stewie2K and tarik.
At that time, the MIBR team lineup was supposed to look like this:
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