Coach of Spirit: "I Was Given Carte Blanche"

Hally spoke about the work of a coach, the role of Overdrive in the team, and the selection of players.

A short interview with Sergey hally Shavaev appeared on the Team Spirit channel. He spoke in more detail about his work and the subtleties in the selection of players.

Hally spoke about putting together a roster after the failure at PGL Major Stockholm 2021.

I was given carte blanche regarding a roster to collect. I have defined the people as they will be. I was given all the resources, and we started to work.
Igor hally Shavaev

Following this quote, we can say that the success of the current Spirit roster primarily happened due to the actions of the team's coach.

Hally described how he is looking for players in the squad
Hally described how he is looking for players in the squad

Hally also spoke about the atmosphere he builds within the team.

The team result directly depends on personal interaction. It is crucial for me that there is a dialogue between people. Through this, we build a team.
Igor hally Shavaev

In addition, the Spirit coach revealed a little about the role of Overdrive, who now is in the position of Spirit analyst.

He helps in watching matches, and pre-game preparation for opponents, says specific triggers, and comes up with exercises for players that develop thinking.
Igor hally Shavaev

In connection with the recent signing of Igor w0nderful Zhdanov, hally described how he is looking for players in the squad.

I look at how his career developed - whom he worked with and played with, and the overall emerging picture. <...> For me, the main thing is how a person grows, how he thinks in critical situations, and a sense of timing.
Igor hally Shavaev

Unfortunately, hally is currently banned by ESIC for a coaching bug. According to the latest information, Spirit has filed an appeal against this decision, but the answer is still unknown.

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