Cloud9 May Secure Closed Qualifier Slot with New Lineup

Cloud9 May Secure Closed Qualifier Slot with New Lineup

Graham Pitt, manager at Complexity, highlights a potential path for Cloud9 to secure a slot in the upcoming closed qualifiers through a strategic reshuffle and success in designated tournaments. This strategic maneuver would involve excelling in the CCT EU #6 and subsequent BLAST group matches.

Cloud9, an unranked team but a BLAST partner, could leverage this opportunity by winning a series of matches—starting from the CCT's group stage right through to the finals, and then securing wins at BLAST. This streamlined process could potentially fast-track their entry into the RMR Closed Qualifiers, despite the rigorous demands of Valve’s ranking system that usually requires teams to grind throughout the year.

The recent rulebook changes by Valve and BLAST have stirred the community, with discussions about the fairness and timing of these adjustments. Pitt’s analysis sheds light on the nuanced implications of these changes, offering a glimmer of hope for teams like Cloud9 aiming for a comeback on the competitive stage. For more detailed insights, follow discussions and updates directly from the sources linked in the discussions.

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