Cloud9 are Brazy Party 2023 champions
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  • 08:21, 04.05.2023

Cloud9 are Brazy Party 2023 champions

Cloud9 became champions of Brazy Party 2023 and beat Astralis in the final with a score of 2:1!


How was the final?

The championship's final game took place on 3 maps: Overpass, Vertigo, and Inferno.


Astralis took the first map of the series with a score of 16:5. Let's just say that Benjamin BlameF Bremer just won this map for the Danes.


As we can see, Vladyslav nafany Gorshkov ultimately failed this map together with Dmitry sh1ro Sokolov. They finished the map with a rating below 4.

Next came Vertigo, where Cloud9 did much better. It was an easy map for cloud players, and they took it with a score of 16:7.


As we see, sh1ro and nafany were baning hard on this map!

Next was Inferno, where Astralis tried to fight back but couldn't find the key to Cloud9's defense. And also, the Danes simply could not resist the magnificent individual game of Sergey Ax1le Rykhtorov!


Cloud9 took first place at the championship, taking home $133,000. By the way, this is what the distribution of the prize fund looks like:

  • Cloud9 ($133.00)
  • Astralis ($70,000)
  • OG ($35,000)
  • 9INE ($35,000)

You can find the entire list of results here.

Who became the MVP of the championship?

The award for the most valuable player goes to Ax1le, who showed an incredible individual game in the championship campaign! He finished the tournament with an average rating of 6.8!

He became the best player among his teammates:


And he also took 5th place among all Brazy Party 2023 players:


He was just a bit short of occupying the first line of the rating. In addition, the player took 4th place for the best shooting from the "Main weapon":

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How was the championship for Cloud9?

Initially, the team got into group D, where it easily beat all its opponents: Sprout 2:1 and 9INE 2:1.


Next was the playoff stage, which was relatively easy for the Clouds.


Let us remind you that Brazy Party 2023 took place from April 26 to May 3, 2023.  The teams fight a prize fund of $333,000!

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