Bubzkji speaks out about JKS' exclusion from G2
Bubzkji speaks out about JKS' exclusion from G2

Lucas "Bubzkji" Andersen  , in his recent comments, raised questions about the circumstances of JKS' exclusion from the G2 team, focusing on the potential joining of NiKo to the Falcons. He expressed his misunderstanding of the decision not to bring JKS back into the fold after it became known that NiKo was staying with G2.

Bubzkji asks whether JKS turned down the opportunity to return or whether the management was too arrogant to admit the mistake and correct the situation. He criticizes management for choosing the worst option instead of correcting their decisions.

If the JKS benching happened due to Niko potentially joining the Falcons. Fair enough. But when the conclusion came that he wanted to stay, then i can't comprehend how jks wasnt brought back? Did jks deny the opportunity? Or was the management too proud of themselves to go back and say they made a mistake and rather just wanted to get a worse option? Great insights from HooXi - Highly recommend the episode. (Which of course is only one side of a story)
Lucas "Bubzkji" Andersen

These statements are part of a larger discussion in the CS2 community about how internal decisions affect the fate of players and can have a significant impact on their careers. Bubzkji recommends listening to this podcast episode for a deeper understanding of the situation, pointing out that the information presented only represents one side of the story.

Source: X

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