Staehr Reflects on Astralis' Defeat to NAVI at IEM Cologne 2024

Staehr Reflects on Astralis' Defeat to NAVI at IEM Cologne 2024

After facing a challenging match against NAVI at IEM Cologne 2024, Astralis’ player Staehr shared,with Dust2.Dk, his thoughts on the defeat and what it means for the team moving forward in the tournament. Staehr noted that the team did not start the match as they had hoped. Ancient, usually one of Astralis’ stronger maps, quickly became a difficult battleground as NAVI applied pressure from the beginning. This pressure led to Astralis being outmaneuvered in key moments of the game.

Reflecting on the match, Staehr expressed that losing on a map where they usually perform well was particularly tough. He acknowledged that the team made some mistakes and that NAVI capitalized on these errors. The loss was hard to accept because Astralis knows they can perform much better.

Looking Ahead Despite the Loss

Despite the setback against NAVI, a team known for their previous Major victory, Staehr remained optimistic about Astralis’ chances in the tournament. He pointed out that NAVI had faced challenges after their Major win, struggling in subsequent tournaments before regaining their form. Staehr implied that losing to such a strong team as NAVI wasn’t the worst outcome, but it still stung because Astralis didn’t play to their full potential. He reassured fans that the team is capable of bouncing back and improving in their next matches.


Positives to Build On

Even though the match against NAVI didn’t go as planned, Staehr highlighted some positive aspects, particularly in their performance on Mirage. He mentioned that despite NAVI's impressive winning streak on Mirage, Astralis managed to hold their own in certain rounds. However, he also acknowledged that the team’s struggles with managing their economy during the match hindered their ability to secure more rounds. Moving forward, Astralis will focus on improving these areas in preparation for their next game.

Preparing for the Next Challenge

With the NAVI match behind them, Astralis is now focusing on their upcoming challenge, which could be against either G2 . Staehr mentioned that the team would spend time analyzing the NAVI match, discussing what went wrong, and making necessary adjustments for the next game. He emphasized the importance of starting strong, especially on their own map pick, to increase their chances of success.

Adapting to the Conditions

Staehr also touched on a detail that might have caught the attention of some fans—why Stavn, one of his teammates, sometimes doesn’t wear his Astralis jersey during matches. Staehr explained that the cold conditions in the Cologne venue have prompted several players to wear extra layers for warmth. The strong air conditioning in the studio has led players like Stavn, jabbi, and device to wear additional clothing during games.

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