Astralis are the champions of Copenhagen Gaming Week 2024
  • Results

  • 20:58, 14.01.2024

Astralis are the champions of Copenhagen Gaming Week 2024

Today, the Danish organization Astralis became the champions at Copenhagen Gaming Week 2024. In the final, the team defeated Ninjas in Pyjamas with a score of 2:0 in maps.

The tournament did not have a prize pool, but it was still played in a LAN format on stage in Copenhagen. Moreover, the winners received a huge trophy.

A total of four teams participated in Copenhagen Gaming Week 2024:

  • Lilmix(finished in 3rd place) 
  • ALTERNATE aTTaX (finished in 4th place) 
  • Ninjas in Pyjamas (finished in 2nd place) 
  • Astralis (finished in 1st place)

As we mentioned earlier, Astralis defeated Ninjas in Pyjamas with a score of 2:0 (Overpass 19:15, Mirage 13:10) in maps. However, for the first place, the team received nothing but a huge trophy.

Copenhagen Gaming Week 2024 took place from February 13 to 14, 2024. There were several dozen spectators present in the arena, and the show tournament took place in a home-like atmosphere.

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