12:00, 29.05.2021
Alan “Shakezullah” Hardeman leaves Triumph, leaving the future’s team into complete uncertainty.
The 23-year-old player had been collaborating with Triumph for about 15 months before he decided to cut his tenure. Averaging a 0.98 rating while with Triumph, Shakezullah was repeatedly forced to rebuild the team from scratch, as the players would go to other teams or switch into VALORANT.
Several other players have left the team over the past few months, including Erik “Penny” Penny and Rahul “Curry” Nemani. With many of the key members moving on, Triumph has been unable to advance from their current level, always coming second to teams such as paiN or Bad News Bears.
Even with their recent results, it is uncertain what will happen to Triumph now that their in-game leader is gone. He may join one more match with Triumph at the ESEA premier, but after that, he has scheduled his leave. After his announcement, both Brendan “Bwills” Williams and Ian “motm” Hardy announced that they would leave Triumph.
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