![LoL fans call for Fearless Draft all year](https://image-proxy.bo3.gg/uploads/news/118394/title_image/webp-0fa2829efae4855dd0b768b8c21d73d6.webp.webp?w=960&h=480)
As League of Legends esports moves into the playoff portion for most regions across the globe, fans are starting to come to the realization that fearless draft is almost done for the entirety of the 2025 LoL esports calendar. Therefore, League of Legends players have taken to social media recently to express their desire to have fearless draft remain a feature for the rest of the year, citing exciting drafts, new champions being played, and more.
In the past 24 hours, players have taken to Reddit to express their desire for fearless draft to remain all year long. This was off the back of an incredible best-of-five LCK Cup matchup between the defending League of Legends World Champions T1 and Hanwha Life esports. This series across the board had some incredibly niche picks, for example Keria during the series played Le'Blanc support, while Faker pulled out Zoe in game five.
It was an amazing spectacle to see, and one of the many reasons fans have been asking for fearless draft to remain for the remainder of the 2025 League of Legends esports season. One player said, "It's gonna be so boring when it's gone in the second split." And they aren't entirely wrong, fans are definitely going to feel weird going back to similar drafts every game, especially as North America moves to be a best-of-one setting as opposed to fearless best-of-threes.
"Best decision to pro play in a while," said one player. This seems to be a common theme amongst the fans, as they were getting tired of seeing the same champions picked over and over again. K'Sante is a champion specifically that teams used to hand-shake on in a best-of-three, but with fearless, they didn't have that option, they had to pick another top laner. And while similar champions may have featured throughout each series, the best-of-fives is where fearless draft truly comes alive, especially if it goes to the full five games.
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