LoL fans believe Riot has removed this fan-favorite feature
LoL fans believe Riot has removed this fan-favorite feature

League of Legends players have been taking it on the chin as of late for the start of the 2025 season. From the removal of Hextech chests, to the increase in 'predatory' gacha skins, it's not been a fun time for League of Legends fans. And sadly, the actions of Riot has started to get the playerbase on edge with them believing Riot has removed another fan-favorite feature quietly.

Your shop has been a fan-favorite feature in League of Legends for many years, providing a personalized shop based on your history on the rift. For example, if you're playing a lot of ADC champions, you're going to get a shop that is tailored towards ADCs. On top of that, you get a significant discount on each of the skins that appear in the shop, meaning you can pick up three to four skins at a time when normally the price of one skin would be worth more than your shop combined. 

Image via Leagueoflegends.fandom
Image via Leagueoflegends.fandom

LoL fans have taken to Reddit today to express a theory that many have, that Riot has quietly under the rug removed the your shop from League of Legends in 2025. Reddit user r/ emachel explains that consistently, Riot would release a new your shop around the time of Valentines day which is February 14, and have done so consistently for the past three years. This year, however, there has been no inkling of your-shop being added to the game.

One commenter said "So instead of making more money they decided to earn less?." Your shop is a very valuable marketplace for players looking to spend money on multiple skins, an opportunity that doesn't come around very often for some players. 

Another believes League of Legends fans are just paranoid because of how Riot dealt with the removal of Hextech chests. For 2025 LoL, Riot decided they were going to remove the free-to-earn Hextech chests as a business decision that will allow League of Legends to remain a fun free-to-play game for many years to come. This did not go down well with the general player base, with the official response to the criticism being one of Riot's most disliked videos in a very long time. "No they aren’t removing your shop, everyone in these comments is so salty about the hextech chests." And to some degree it's understandable, Riot hasn't been making a lot of favorable decisions as of late, so players wouldn't put it past them to make more unfavorable decisions.

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