Yasuo Build Guide: Best Runes, Items, and Strategies for S14

Yasuo Build Guide: Best Runes, Items, and Strategies for S14

Yasuo is a mechanically demanding and iconic champion in League of Legends, known for his high mobility, outplay potential, and ability to carry games in multiple roles, including mid, top, and even bot lane. His kit revolves around dashing through enemies, landing critical strikes, and turning the tide of battle with his powerful ultimate. If you’re looking to master Yasuo and dominate your opponents, this guide will provide you with everything you need to succeed.

In this guide, you'll discover the best builds, rune choices, and essential strategies for excelling in lane and team fights. Whether you’re looking for the optimal mid or top build, experimenting with Yasuo jungle, or trying out the unconventional secret yasuo bot build, we’ll cover all the key tips to help you thrive in every role. From laning phase tactics to late-game positioning, you’ll find all the tools to maximize your potential as Yasuo.


Yasuo’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Yasuo is a champion of extremes, offering both high mobility and incredible damage potential, but he also comes with significant vulnerabilities. Understanding his strengths and weaknesses is key to mastering him in any match. By leveraging his mobility and critical strike scaling, players can maximize his team fight potential, while also being aware of the high skill ceiling and reliance on teammates for his full combo. Here's a breakdown of Yasuo's key strengths and weaknesses:


  • High Mobility: Yasuo's Sweeping Blade (E) allows him to dash through enemies, making him difficult to pin down in fights. This mobility is crucial for both engaging and escaping.
  • Critical Strike Power: Yasuo’s passive ability doubles his critical strike chance, allowing him to reach 100% crit chance with just two core items. This makes his damage output soar in team fights.
  • Synergy with Knock-Ups: Yasuo’s Last Breath (R) synergizes well with any champion that provides knock-ups, such as Malphite or Alistar. This makes him a dangerous pick when paired with the best support for Yasuo.
  • Strong Laning Phase: Yasuo's shield from his passive and his ability to poke and dash around make him strong in early trades, whether in mid or top lane.


  • Skill-Dependent: Yasuo’s performance relies heavily on mechanical skill, making him difficult to play effectively in certain matchups or without practice.
  • Squishy and Vulnerable: He can be easily shut down by hard crowd control or burst damage, which many counters can exploit.
  • Dependent on Team: Yasuo's ultimate relies on knock-ups, meaning he works best in teams that can provide the setup for his Last Breath (R).

Runes for Yasuo guide

Choosing the right yasuo mid runes or yasuo top runes is key to his success in any lane. The Precision rune tree is the primary choice, enhancing his attack speed and critical strike potential.


  • Conqueror: This keystone is perfect for Yasuo, as it provides stacking attack damage during extended trades, making him stronger the longer the fight goes on.
  • Triumph: This rune heals Yasuo after takedowns and gives bonus gold, accelerating his item progression and making him a threat in skirmishes.
  • Legend: Alacrity: Extra attack speed is vital for Yasuo, as it helps him land more critical strikes and maximize his damage output.
  • Last Stand: Last Stand is taken on Yasuo because he often fights at low health, and the rune increases his damage when his HP is low, maximizing his damage output in clutch situations.

Secondary Rune Tree: Resolve

  • Bone Plating: Helps mitigate incoming damage during short trades, making Yasuo more durable in early skirmishes.
  • Unflinching: Provides extra tenacity and slow resistance, which helps Yasuo stay mobile even when crowd control is present.

Yasuo’s Items and Build Path

Choosing the right yasuo items is crucial to maximizing his potential in both mid and top lanes. His build should focus on attack speed, critical strike chance, and sustain to ensure he can stay in fights for extended periods.


Core Items:

  1. Blade of The Ruined King: This item has become a staple for Yasuo, providing attack speed, lifesteal, and on-hit damage based on the enemy's current health. It enhances his dueling potential and helps shred tankier opponents.
  2. Immortal Shieldbow: Remaining a core mythic item, it offers lifesteal, attack damage, and a lifesaving shield that activates when he falls to low health. This significantly boosts Yasuo's survivability in both skirmishes and team fights.
  3. Stridebreaker: Grants health, attack damage, attack speed, and ability haste. Its active ability allows Yasuo to perform a short dash and slow nearby enemies, enhancing his mobility and ability to stick to targets.
  4. Infinity Edge: After securing enough critical strike chance, Infinity Edge amplifies Yasuo's crit damage, making his Steel Tempest (Q) and auto-attacks even more devastating.
  5. Mortal Reminder: Provides attack damage and critical strike chance, along with Grievous Wounds to reduce enemy healing. It's particularly effective against teams with significant sustain.

For an alternative yasuo probuilds, the Pzzang build focuses on maximizing Yasuo's damage while providing survivability. This build typically includes:

  • Bloodthirster: For high lifesteal, giving Yasuo immense healing in fights.
  • Guardian Angel: This item provides Yasuo a second chance in team fights by reviving him upon death, allowing for aggressive plays.
  • Lord Dominik’s Regards: Essential for dealing with tanky opponents, as it provides armor penetration and damage based on health differences.

Full Pzzang Yasuo Build Example:

  1. Immortal Shieldbow
  2. Berserker’s Greaves
  3. Infinity Edge
  4. Bloodthirster
  5. Lord Dominik’s Regards
  6. Guardian Angel

Lane Phase Strategies

Yasuo Mid Build Strategy:

In the mid lane, Yasuo excels at applying pressure on enemy mages and assassins. His ability to dodge skill shots with Sweeping Blade (E) and block projectiles with Wind Wall (W) gives him an advantage against many traditional mid laners.

  • Key Focus: Use your mobility to avoid ganks and poke down your opponent with Steel Tempest (Q). Don’t be afraid to go all-in when your opponent is low, especially when your passive shield is active.

Yasuo Top Build Strategy:

Yasuo can also be a strong pick in the top lane, where his mobility and early-game damage allow him to trade well against melee bruisers. Champions like Teemo or Malphite can be problematic, but Yasuo can dominate most melee matchups by using Sweeping Blade (E) to outmaneuver them.

  • Key Focus: Play aggressively during early levels by trading with E-Q combos and baiting enemy abilities with your Wind Wall (W). Be careful not to overextend, as counters in the top lane can quickly punish him.

Yasuo Jungle:

While not as common, jungle can work in certain team compositions, particularly those with knock-up synergy. The jungle gives Yasuo the ability to farm and scale without worrying about lane harass, and his Last Breath (R) can be a game-changing ability during ganks.

  • Key Focus: Prioritize farming camps while looking for opportunities to gank lanes with knock-up support. Once Yasuo has a few items, he becomes a formidable skirmisher in the jungle.

Yasuo’s Abilities and Skill Order


Mastering Yasuo’s abilities is essential for unlocking his full potential. Properly using his Sweeping Blade (E) for mobility, and timing his Last Breath (R) for knock-up synergy, will greatly enhance your effectiveness in fights.

  1. Passive – Way of the Wanderer: Yasuo’s passive grants him extra critical strike chance and a shield that activates when he moves. The shield can absorb incoming damage and is crucial for trading in lane.
  2. Q – Steel Tempest: Yasuo’s primary damaging ability. It becomes a knock-up after two consecutive casts, which allows Yasuo to use his Last Breath (R). Max this first for poke and damage.
  3. W – Wind Wall: Blocks all projectiles. This ability can make Yasuo immune to key enemy abilities and is game-changing when used properly.
  4. E – Sweeping Blade: Allows Yasuo to dash through enemies and reposition himself in fights. Max this second for increased mobility.
  5. R – Last Breath: Yasuo’s ultimate lets him dash to airborne enemies and deal damage while keeping them suspended. This is Yasuo’s main team fight ability and works well with any knock-up champion.

How to Play Yasuo in Different Stages of the Game

Early Game (Levels 1-6):

In the early game, focus on farming minions with Steel Tempest (Q) while harassing your lane opponent with quick trades using Sweeping Blade (E). Be mindful of your passive shield, and avoid overcommitting until you have your core items.

Mid Game (Levels 7-13):

Yasuo’s power spikes when he completes Immortal Shieldbow and Infinity Edge. Start looking for skirmishes and team fights, especially with allies who can provide knock-ups for your Last Breath (R).

Late Game (Level 14+):

In the late game, Yasuo becomes a formidable duelist and team fighter. Stay at the backline, looking for opportunities to dive onto enemy carries with your Sweeping Blade (E) and Last Breath (R), while using Wind Wall (W) to block key abilities from the enemy team.

Countering Yasuo and Who Counters Him

Yasuo Counters in Season 14:

  1. Malzahar: His suppression makes it difficult for Yasuo to escape or engage, particularly in the mid lane.
  2. Annie: Burst damage and hard crowd control can easily lock down Yasuo before he has a chance to retaliate.
  3. Lissandra: Her ability to freeze and root Yasuo can negate his mobility and burst damage potential.

Best Champions to Play with Yasuo:

  • Gragas: His body slam provides an easy knock-up for Yasuo to capitalize on.
  • Alistar: Alistar’s combo allows for easy setups, ensuring Yasuo can engage confidently.

Tips and Tricks for Mastering Yasuo

  1. Practice landing your Q consistently: Yasuo’s success heavily relies on hitting Steel Tempest (Q). Regularly practice your positioning and aim to maximize your poke output.
  2. Use E creatively: Yasuo’s mobility comes from his Sweeping Blade (E), allowing him to dash through minions and enemies. Master this ability to weave in and out of fights.
  3. Wind Wall at the right time: Properly timing Wind Wall (W) can block crucial enemy abilities and change the course of a team fight.


Yasuo is one of the most iconic champions in League of Legends, offering high damage, mobility, and outplay potential. His strong laning phase and powerful team fight presence make him a solid pick in Season 14. Mastering his mechanics, positioning, and ability combos will allow you to carry games and lead your team to victory. With the right lol yasuo build, items, and understanding of counters, you can dominate the Rift and fulfill your role as a powerful Yasuo player. Whether you’re experimenting with the Pzzang build or seeking to refine your skills, Yasuo remains a versatile and impactful choice for any player.

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