LoL Patch 14.22 Tier List: Best Champions for Every Role
LoL Patch 14.22 Tier List: Best Champions for Every Role

With each patch, League of Legends evolves, and power shifts across the different lanes really need one to know what champions are currently dominating the league of legends meta in order to win.

We have prepared an updated lol 14.22 tier list of champions for each role, based on their effectiveness in LoL patch 14.22. This guide will help you select champions in lol most played roles that can give you an advantage in your games.

Role Guide:

Top Lane

Top laners set the pace for the rest of the game by controlling one of, if not the most, important lanes on the map. It is imperative to find a champion who can control the lane and apply pressure on the map in this role. Below you can see the changes to the champions and how this affected their positioning on the Top tier list.

Following the most recent patch update, champions like Aatrox, Illaoi, Jax, K'Sante, Mordekaiser, and Shen have gotten nerfed, with Kayle receiving buffs. Additionally, changes were made to Warwick and Irelia. Due to this, Illaoi and K'Sante fell down to B-tier, while Jax and Mordekaiser moved down to A-tier. Meanwhile, Kayle and Irelia climbed up to S-tier, as Renekton managed to return to A-tier.

Worth adding is that this patch adds a new champion, a certain Ambessa, and as it usually happens, new champions out of the woodwork are always very strong, because of which we've placed her initially in S-tier, but we'll get clearer further after the balance of her abilities.

Top Tier List (Patch 14.22)
Top Tier List (Patch 14.22)

Mid Lane

The mid lane represents the heart of strategic decisions within the game. Champions in this role have to balance their focus on keeping up with damage and roaming around the map to support allies. On our Mid tier list, we developed a selection of champions who excel most at this task. However, this patch brought great changes to the mid lanes with nerfs and buffs to champions.

In the most recent patch, several champions received much attention: nerfs to Anivia, Sylas, and Syndra, buffs to Fizz, Katarina, Swain, and Vel'Koz. Irelia was also tuned but somewhat neutral. Despite the nerfs, Sylas still does pretty well in the ranks. Most noticeably, Katarina, Swain, and Fizz have risen into A-tier, bringing much more power into their gameplay, and Syndra fell down to A-tier.

Meanwhile, the changes Irelia and Vel'Koz have undergone have yet to fully augment their potential, but with the coming patches, that might turn around.

Mid Tier List (Patch 14.22)
Mid Tier List (Patch 14.22)
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Junglers are that secret threat, able to change the course of a game with a successful gank or objective control. The following is an explanation of this Jungle tier list, pointing out those champions who do a very good job in jungle-clear and impacting all lanes with high roaming and control pace.

This patch did not see a lot of change in the jungle role, but there were a few notable updates. The nerfs to Lillia and Udyr dropped them down to A-tier, while the buff to Wukong allowed him to rise into the tier. Graves managed to scale upward into OP status thanks to some prior nerfs and buffs to key items on his build.

These changes mean now is a fine time to reassess your jungle picks and strategies. Watch Graves for possibly being OP, and keep updated to maximize the latest patch dynamics!

Jungle Tier List (Patch 14.22)
Jungle Tier List (Patch 14.22)


The ADC's job is to provide consistent damage during team fights and maintain map control by destroying turrets. In this position, champion selection will be quite important in the late game. Our ADC tier list contains ADCs that fit into meta because of raw damage and mobility.

In this patch, the nerfs went to Corki and Seraphine, who were often picked as ADCs, while buffs went to Varus and Vayne. Accordingly, Varus rises into A-tier to join Swain, while Seraphine falls back into B-tier. For the time being, Corki stays in S-tier, but it yet remains to be seen how he will come out from his nerf into the future. Vayne for now stays steady in B-tier.

ADC Tier List (Patch 14.22)
ADC Tier List (Patch 14.22)


The support role is the backbone of any successful team by offering map control in the form of wards, thus providing protection for teammates. This role, too, entails gameplay skills and correct champion selection to effectively help a team. Strong control, defensive abilities, and utility throughout all game stages are granted by our Support tier-listed champions.

Only Poppy had nerfs in the latest patch, while Blitzcrank, Swain, Vel'Koz, and Maokai—who's quite popular now as a support with his recent buffs—had buffs. Despite the nerf, Poppy remains strong in S-tier. Blitzcrank, Swain, and Maokai have risen to A-tier, making them even more viable as supports. Vel'Koz remains steady in B-tier.

Support Tier List (Patch 14.22)
Support Tier List (Patch 14.22)

For those who need a little background on what has changed in today's Patch 14.22 Champions update, read here

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Changes and Conclusions

Patch 14.22 brought more champion balance changes that heavily influenced in-game meta across all roles and our lol champions tier list. A number of popular heroes got nerfed, which is somewhat mirrored in their positions within the tier lists, but in return, some champions who received buffs had new opportunities to shine. In order to stay among the best and win more games, one needs to follow patch changes and change strategies according to the currently best champions. Picking the champion that fits best in each role, according to current balance changes, is pretty much the key to success in matches.

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