The Most Picked Champion in Each Role at First Stand 2025
The Most Picked Champion in Each Role at First Stand 2025

First Stand 2025 is in the history books, congratulations to Hanwha Life Esports on becoming the first champions. The LCK squad dominated their way through the competition, so much so that they felt confident playing niche picks such as Vladimir, Quinn, and more. There were plenty of meta champions still on display across the tournament, however. And today we're going to look at the champion that appeared the most in each role at First Stand 2025. 

Top - Rumble

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Image via Riot Games

As will be the case with most of these roles at First Stand 2025, Rumble just edged out Jayce and Ambessa as the champion played the most in the top lane. With lane swaps a thing of the past, players felt more comfortable about picking aggressive teamfighting champions as opposed to tanks that can withstand a lane swap. Rumble definitely fits into this category. Rumble was picked eight times during First Stand 2025 and was seen as one of the power picks, especially for the LCK squad Hanwha Life who played it the most at three games. 

Jungle - Vi

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Image via Riot Games

The jungler from Piltover comes in tied for second place at First Stand 2025 with 11 picks. Vi was played three more times than the second-place jungler in Maokai who had eight picks and also the same amount of bans as Vi at 10. Vi was one of those picks that slipped through the cracks many times and was then picked up by Peanut, who played the champion that most at five games. The teams were fearful of handing over one of the strongest picks to Peanut, which was no problem to him as he was more than a serviceable Vi. 

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Mid - Azir / Taliyah

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Image via Riot Games

Mid lane was a tie between Azir and Taliyah for the most picked champion in the role at First Stand 2025. Starting with Taliyah, this was a pick favored by the weaker regions with only Vladi, HongQ, and APA picking up the champion for a total of nine games. Taliyah is an excellent team fighting champion but would be bullied by the LCK on picks like Sylas could just one-shot her. On top of that, the Eastern teams are very good at dodging, meaning it was hard for the players to land picks onto them. As for Azir, he has been one of the power picks in professional League of Legends for many years, Vladi went 2-0 on the champion in the games he was able to play, with Zeka and HongQ being the other two players to use the champion.

ADC - Ezreal

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Image via Riot Games

When utilized to his best, no champion can deal with Ezreal in League of Legends. He is hard to kill, does an insane amount of damage, and scales incredibly well into the late game. Ezreal, however, can also be a bate pick for players not as skilled at the champion. Ezreal had a 46% win rate at First Stand 2025, but the majority of those losses came at the hands of the Western ADC's Yeon and Caliste, who went a combined 1-5 on the champion. When the ADC's start to get banned out and taken away in Fearless Draft, Ezreal ends up showing up in the latter games.

Support - Leona

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Image via Riot Games

Although Leona featured the most at First Stand 2025 with 11 games played, she wasn't the best champion, that title would easily go to Rell. Nevertheless, when the focus has been around teamfighting since the lane-swapping changes came into effect, Leona has risen in priority in League of Legends. Surprisingly, Hanwha Life did not pick up Leona a single time this tournament, with Targamas playing the most games on Leona at 5. CoreJJ and Crisp both brought the win rate down significantly with the pair going 0-3 on the champion.

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