League of Legends: Full Void Grubs Guide
League of Legends: Full Void Grubs Guide

Void grubs are one of the epic monsters objective added to League of Legends over the past year or so. They provide great power to the team that is able to hold the majority, making the mid-to-late game that much easier for the team that can secure the most lol grubs. Void grubs were the latest neutral objective to be added from the Void realm, with Rift Herald already playing a large role on the top side of the map. Let’s take a look at what Void grubs are and how impactful they are to a team's success in League of Legends. 

What do Void grubs do?

Image via Riot Games
Image via Riot Games

But what do Void grubs do? Void grubs spawn in waves of three, with two waves spawning across a game of League of Legends. Void grubs provide buffs that allow you to take turrets at a much quicker rate. While it's unclear the exact amount of damage these Void mites do to towers, it's projected to be similar to a low-health melee minion. Getting a good portion of Void grubs will allow you to spawn Void mites that only appear when attacking a turret. For junglers, these are a must as they count towards your jungle item, granting XP and lowering the number of jungle camps you have to take each game. For the gold gained by taking a Voidgrub: 20 gold to the killer + 10 gold per player (including the killer). For XP when killing a Voidmite, players get 0. For killing a Void grub, players will get 75 XP.

When do Grubs spawn?

If you’re, wondering what time do Void grubs spawn? Then don’t worry, you’re in the right place. As mentioned previously, Void grubs spawn in two waves of three. The first wave is locked in, with the second being dependent on when a team takes the first wave. After a certain amount of time, the Void grubs will be replaced by the Rift Herald. The first Void grubs spawn time is 6:00, with the second only appearing if the first Void grubs camp has been killed before 9:45.

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How to take down the Void grubs 

Image via Riot Games
Image via Riot Games

Depending on the champion you’re playing, you don’t need the rest of the team to help take down the Void grubs, but it’s recommended you bring one extra friend along to help take them down quicker. If you attack the Void grubs, all three grubs will start attacking you, which is why it’s completely champion-dependent. At the time same, they’re spawning tons of Void mites, which are more annoying than harmful. The trick with the grubs is, that once one has been killed, the rest reset their health back up to max. We recommend a champion that has high DPS and sustainability to take down the grubs the easiest when their health resets. Once one goes the rest are easier to take. Zyra is an excellent choice because she can stand back while her plants melt through the grubs. 

As mentioned below, your ability to take grubs depends on a variety of factors. One of them being the composition you're running. If you have a late-game scaling composition with losing matchups in top and mid early, then you're going to struggle to have any control on the map. The only way to bail your team out of this is to either sneakily take the grubs, but this requires more luck than anything. Or ensure your support backs on a timer and comes up to the grubs pit to even the numbers.

But why were Void grubs introduced into League of Legends?

Void grubs were introduced at the end of Season 13 as a way for Riot to spice up the jungle, as it was getting stale having only Rift Herald, Dragons, and Baron that have been in the game for many years. It was intended to promote early-game fights and also force teams to work more together to secure neutral objectives. Even in lower elo games, supports were playing around the timers of Grubs more often because if the enemy team were able to get six, it was very hard for the other team to play the game. This also forced junglers to think more critically of their jungle pathing as there was now a new neutral objective they had to play around with. Normally, junglers will handshake on the neutral objectives. If their bottom lane has priority, they can give up the first wave of grubs in return for a much stronger dragon like an infernal dragon. 

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