Riot Games has again released another skin in League of Legends that requires players to spend lots of money in return for an extremely rare skin that not many players in the entirety of the game will be able to use in-game. Dark Cosmic Erasure Jhin comes to mind where players had to spend a couple hundred dollars just to get this skin.
While some can be lucky enough to roll the skin in an earlier stage, it's more than likely you'll have to spend the maximum amount of money in order to get the skin. This is the same for the new Jinx exalted skin, which is themed off of the hit animated Netflix series, Arcane. Here's how you can obtain the exalted Jinx skin in League of Legends.
How to get Exalted Jinx skin in LoL

If you haven't been on the LoL crafting page in a while, you're going to notice there is a new page called 'The Sanctum'. This is a limited-time page in the League of Legends client which will allow you to start rolling the dice in the hopes of getting the rare Jinx skin. To start, players need to purchase a spark, this spark will allow you to roll for the Jinx skin. After 80 rolls, you are guaranteed the skin. Unfortunately for players concerned about pricing, you will not have any help on Riots end as it does not display how much one spark costs. According to players on Reddit, one spark equals 400 Riot points.
Where Riot is honest, however, is the drop rate for all of the content that is with this limited-timed event. Here are all of the drop rates:

- S Tier (0.5%) - Arcane Fractured Jinx + Arcane Fractured Jinx border + icon. If you already own the bundle, you will get 275 mythic essence instead.
- A Tier (10%) - Arcane Professor Heimerdinger, Arcane Vander Warwick, Arcane Last Stand Ekko, Arcane Commander Caitlyn, Arcane Brawler Vi, Arcane Survivor Jayce, Arcane Survivor Viktor, Arcane Fractured Jinx Banner, 35 Mythic Essence.
- B Tier (89.5%) - Hundreds of icons and emotes from previous League of Legends drops.
As you can see, the odds of players getting the new Jinx skin without dropping a large amount of money is almost impossible. There have been a few lucky players who did roll the skin early into their quest, but those are few and far between.
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