How to Counter Ezreal in League of Legends?
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  • 12:45, 28.02.2025

How to Counter Ezreal in League of Legends?

Ezreal is one of the most popular ADCs in League of Legends, known for his mobility, long-range poke, and ability to escape sticky situations. However, despite his strengths, he has clear weaknesses that skilled players can exploit. Whether you're playing mid, ADC, or bot lane, understanding Ezreal counters is key to gaining an advantage in the game.

Ezreal’s Strengths & Weaknesses


  • High mobility with Arcane Shift (E)
  • Strong poke damage with Mystic Shot (Q)
  • Safe laning phase due to range and repositioning abilities
  • Scales well into late game with Essence Reaver and Muramana


  • Weak early game before core items are built
  • Relies heavily on skill shots
  • Struggles against hard crowd control (CC)
  • No sustain in lane, making him vulnerable to poke-heavy champions

Who Counters Ezreal?

If you're looking for who counters Ezreal mid?, who counters Ezreal ADC?, or who counters Ezreal bot lane?, here are the best picks and strategies.

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Best Champions to Counter Ezreal

Why It Works
Slows and engages with Volley (W) and Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R), limiting Ezreal’s mobility
Outdamages Ezreal early and punishes his weak laning phase
Outdamages Ezreal in extended fights and capitalizes on his weak early game
Outranges Ezreal with Bio-Arcane Barrage (W) and deals consistent DPS
Spell Shield blocks his poke and ultimate
High mobility and Condemn (E) can punish Ezreal’s positioning

Effective Strategies to Counter Ezreal

  • Dodge his skill shots: Ezreal relies on landing Mystic Shot (Q) for damage and cooldown reduction. Constant movement makes it harder for him to deal consistent damage.
  • Punish his Arcane Shift (E): Once Ezreal uses his escape ability, he’s vulnerable to all-ins and ganks.
  • Pick champions with sustain: Ezreal lacks sustain, so champions like Sivir or Nami can keep up in poke battles while outlasting him.
  • Engage-heavy supports: Blitzcrank, Nautilus, and Leona can easily catch Ezreal off guard, forcing him to use Arcane Shift defensively.

Best Ezreal Runes

To maximize Ezreal’s effectiveness in lane and team fights, selecting the right runes is crucial. The ideal rune setup enhances his poke damage, mobility, and survivability while ensuring he remains a strong presence in the game. Below, we break down the best rune choices for Ezreal in different scenarios. Here are the best runes as of patch 25.4.

Other option to take is Conqueor. It is worse on the line, but it proves to be excellent in protracted fights or against more tanky opponents. Other runes do not change in this case

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Itemization Against Ezreal

Why It Works?
Bramble Vest
Reduces Ezreal’s lifesteal and healing from Conqueror
Zhonya’s Hourglass
Counters Ezreal’s burst damage from Trueshot Barrage
Randuin’s Omen/Frozen Heart
Reduces his crit damage or slows attack speed

Community Opinions & Expert Advice

Players often debate who counters Ezreal? in the most effective way. On forums like Reddit and social media, the consensus is that aggressive early-game ADCs (like Draven and Miss Fortune) and hard-engage supports (like Nautilus and Thresh) are top-tier counters.

Common Mistakes When Facing Ezreal

  1. Letting him freely farm: Ezreal is weak early, so applying pressure denies him scaling potential.
  2. Ignoring his power spikes: Ezreal becomes strong after completing Manamune and Trinity Force. Respect his damage at these points.
  3. Failing to capitalize on his E cooldown: Engaging while Arcane Shift is down can secure kills.

Understanding Ezreal ADC counters can give you a strategic edge in your games. Stay updated on the latest patch notes, and check out our website for more League of Legends guides and counter tips!

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