LEGO Fortnite Odyssey: How To Visit a Storm
  • Guides

  • 13:27, 27.12.2024

LEGO Fortnite Odyssey: How To Visit a Storm

In LEGO Fortnite Odyssey, the 'Visit a Storm' task has become one of the key activities added in the Storm Chasers Update. This weekly quest allows you to earn additional XP for the Battle Pass to accelerate reaching higher levels. This guide will help you find, explore, and complete this task, providing you with extra experience points and a new exciting biome.

Step 1: Meet with Kayden

After entering your world in Fortnite Odyssey following the Storm Chasers Update, find Kayden, the NPC who plays a key role in your journey to the storm. Kayden will appear near you via a rift and lead you to the Storm Chasers' base camp – an important point for storm chasers.

Talk to Kayden and use all dialogue options. After completing the conversation, the Storm Chasers' base camp will be marked on your map and compass. Use the map to plan your route to the base camp, preparing for the journey.


Step 2: Find Purple Storms

Upon arriving at the Storm Chasers' base camp, identifying the storm's location will be easy. Look for the distinct purple storm cloud looming in the sky. This is a visual marker of the Storm biome's location – a dynamic and often dangerous zone covering the island.

  • Tip 1: Due to the unpredictability of storms, quick transportation is key. Whether it's the reliable Battle Bus or a faster vehicle – mobility is crucial. The Battle Bus is a reliable way to cover large distances quickly and find storms from afar. You can also create your own transport for convenient long-distance travel.

  • Tip 2: If you are unsure about the storm's location, use high vantage points or the map to locate the purple clouds.
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Step 3: Enter the Storm Biome

Seeing the stormy sky on the horizon, enter the biome under these purple clouds to complete the 'Visit a Storm' quest. The task's goal involves simply entering this game zone. Once you do, you'll automatically receive 25,000 XP for the Battle Pass.

After completing the task, you can continue exploring the storm, fighting storm creepers – mysterious creatures inhabiting the Storm biome, or return to your settlement to complete other tasks.


How to Survive in the Storm Biome?

Exploring the storm requires preparation. The storm timer mechanic limits time spent in the storm without the necessary resources. Storm fruit and Nectar of Storm Fruits are special consumables needed to extend your stay in the storm. Without them, the Storm timer will eventually teleport you out of the biome when the time runs out.

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