How to get to Inazuma in Genshin Impact
How to get to Inazuma in Genshin Impact

Inazuma is the third major region in Genshin Impact, representing Electro and inspired by Japanese culture. Its archipelago opens a whole new world of quests, characters, and exploration for players. There are certain prerequisites before this journey begins.

Required Conditions to Unlock Inazuma

Lastly, before setting sail to Inazuma, make sure:

  • AR 30+: The player should achieve at least a rank of Adventure Rank 30. One needs to gain adequate experience points through various activities such as quests, daily commissions, and exploration activities.
  • Archon Quest Completion: Complete the Archon Quest "Chapter II: Act I – The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia". This becomes available when you reach AR 30 and is the story bridge to Inazuma.
Source: HoYoverse
Source: HoYoverse

Starting the Journey to Inazuma

When all the requirements listed above are fulfilled, proceed through the following stages to access Inazuma:

  • Start the Archon Quest: You can find that in your Quest log, underneath the tab tagged as "The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia".
  • Talk to Katheryne, who is located in Liyue Harbor near the Adventurers' Guild for more details of his journey.
  • Board the Crux Fleet: After having talked to Katheryne, head to the sea east of Guyun Stone Forest, where the Crux Fleet is anchored. There, you'll find the captain of the fleet, Beidou, who will be able to grant you passage to Inazuma.
  • Set Sail to Inazuma: Mingle with Beidou and confirm that you are ready to set sail. Move along with your character as he makes sea travel, landing in Ritou, a port city in Inazuma, with a playing cutscene view.
Beidou. Source: HoYoverse
Beidou. Source: HoYoverse
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Inazuma Exploration

Upon arrival in Ritou, a plethora of new content awaits:

  • Diverse Archipelago: This is an island chain with differentiated landscapes and differing challenges. Those are Narukami Island, Kannazuka Island, and Yashiori Island which will compose the first area of Inazuma while the other islands will unlock in later updates.
  • Cultural Immersion: Dive deep into the rich traditions and customs of Inazuma, largely influenced by Japanese aesthetics and folklore.
  • New Characters: Find all kinds of people native to Inazuma. Some of these may become valuable allies in the course of your adventures.
  • Unique Quests and Puzzles: Participate in region-specific quests and solve complex puzzles using the Electro element for new gameplay.

Important Considerations

  • Early Access Restricted: Any attempt to get to Inazuma earlier, such as by building an ice bridge or using Waveriders, is prevented both by the stormy seas around the region and by the game mechanics. Thus, it is necessary to follow the legitimate questline to access it.
  • Progress Beyond Inazuma: Once Inazuma's content is explored, the main storyline takes one through other regions beyond, each with its new story and challenges.

By following these guidelines, players will easily unlock and discover the vividly pulsating world of Inazuma, which enriches the experience of Genshin Impact.

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