Black Ops 6: How to Get a Free Ray Gun in Liberty Falls
Black Ops 6: How to Get a Free Ray Gun in Liberty Falls

The Ray Gun has been in Call of Duty Zombies since the inception in World at War. It's one of the most satisfying special weapons to use in the Call of Duty franchise. Now in previous iterations of the mode, you could normally only obtain this weapon through the mystery box. But now, there's another way in which you can get a Ray Gun for free without spending any of your in-game cash. Here's how:

Black Ops 6 free wonder weapon guide

Image via Steam<br>
Image via Steam

During your many playthroughs of Liberty Falls, you'll find that killing elite enemies will occasionally drop you an armory key. This is a special vault located on the map that can give you invetory upgrades, ammo, and more. These keys come in different rareities, blue, purple, orange, and specifically for wonder weapons, a golden color.

We have found the higher the round you are in, the more likely you are to get better loot not only from the vault but what specific key you get. You're going to want to grind through some of the earlier rounds if you wish you get an orange key for the armory.

Once you are satisfied with the key, head on over to the armory which is near the spawn area. Bear in mind, that you will need to turn on the power first before you can access the armory. Don't worry if this is your first time playing as the game will show you how to get up and running in Zombies.

Now that you have the power on, head into the armory, bear in mind you will only have a short amount of time to browse through the locker. Once you've opened it, you can select the items inside. If you're lucky, a Ray Gun will be there waiting for you.

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