Going on raids in World of Warcraft Dragonflight is one of the main sources for obtaining good items that will make your character stronger with better equipment. Therefore, it is important to know which hero classes are best suited for raiding and supporting the group, giving the best possible DPS, HPS, and tanking ability.
Mistweaver Monk
We want to start the list of the best heroes for WoW Dragonflight with healers, namely Mistweaver Monk. Monks are one of the most effective classes among healers in World of Warcraft Dragonflight, using their traditional martial arts skills to heal allies. This class cannot only deal significant damage to enemies, but also convert that damage into health for their team through skills such as Ancient Teachings, Jadefire Stomp, and Rising Mist. Despite the recent 6% reduction in the healing effect of their main abilities in Patch 10.2.6, monks remain extremely powerful in Dragonflight Season 4.
One of the key advantages of monks is their high mobility, which is a critical factor in raids of varying difficulty. Abilities such as Roll and Transcendence help monks move quickly across the battlefield, dodging attacks and taking strategically advantageous positions to support the team. In addition, monks have useful control abilities, such as Leg Sweep for stasis and Ring of Peace for controlling opponents.
The effective use of abilities such as Revival to instantly heal the entire group and Life Cocoon to create a protective shield for the tank is the key to a winning strategy in raids. The ability to quickly regenerate health allows the monk to survive in critical situations, and the high damage output makes Mistweaver monks one of the most desirable healers and DPS characters in Dragonflight's fourth season.
Discipline Priest
This class is one of the key choices for raiding groups due to its high healing potential, which is ideal for most scenarios. The priest utilizes the unique synergy between his healing abilities and his ability to deal damage, converting that damage into health with the Atonement mechanic. He also has traditional healing and defence spells.
The key mechanic of playing this class is the use of Atonement, which allows spells like Power Word: Shield, Shadow Mend, and Power Word: Radiance allows the priest to heal allies by dealing damage to enemies. In raids, the ability to provide preventive defence for a large number of players is critical.
The effectiveness of this class largely depends on the right choice of talents. For example, the Twist of Fate talent increases healing and damage on targets with low health, which is extremely useful in high-risk situations. Solace allows you to deal damage without spending mana, which is important for long battles.
Although the Priest of Discipline has significant healing abilities, it does not boast high survivability or the ability to deal with many enemies at once. Considered one of the most difficult healers to master in World of Warcraft, the Priest of Discipline requires a deep understanding of his skills and well-coordinated teamwork to reach his full potential.

Restoration Shaman
Shamans are valuable members for raids, so they deservedly belong to the list of the best healers in Dragonflight. Shamans can effectively heal individual targets as well as perform group healing. They use the Healing Wave and Healing Surge spells for targeted healing, and Chain Heal and Healing Rain for group healing. Shamans have special totems, such as Healing Stream and Healing Tide, which provide additional health recovery, and Spirit Link Totem helps reduce damage and is indispensable for group healing.
Other useful abilities include Wind Shear, which interrupts dangerous enemy spells; Purge, which removes positive effects from them; and Hex, which serves as a control. As for mobility, the shaman has such abilities as Spiritwalker's Grace, Spirit Walk, and Gust of Wind. Unlike some other healers, the damage dealt by the shaman does not convert to health and does not allow you to heal and fight enemies at the same time. This class is less effective when group members are scattered across the battlefield. By focusing on the strengths of the class and maintaining effective communication with the team, you can successfully unleash the shaman's potential.
Retribution Paladin
One of the best classes for raiding, thanks to its strong abilities that can deal good damage both to targeted targets and in AoE. The Retribution specialization is designed to provide the player with a decent level of DPS, where abilities such as Wake of Ashes, Seething Flames, Blade of Justice, and Final Verdict play a key role. The use of these buffs significantly increases the hero's ability to deal damage, especially to single targets. Some of the skills of this class allow you to effectively deal with enemies that have low health.
In raids, Retribution Paladins are also appreciated for their adaptability. Depending on the situation, they can switch from dealing significant damage to a single target to a powerful AoE attack, making them versatile fighters against a variety of raid bosses and fight types. In World of Warcraft, Paladins combine high damage with valuable raiding qualities, making them a solid choice for any raiding group looking to tackle challenging content. Their ability to deal high damage combined with their support spells makes them a competitive and desirable class for PvE raids.

Beast Mastery Hunter
Thanks to their pets, BMHs can create serious problems for opponents, shifting all the attention to them while the hero is fighting bosses or mobs. Disengage and Aspect of the Cheetah provide a high level of mobility, making Beast Mastery a difficult target to reach. Tar Trap, Freezing Trap, and Intimidation add strong crowd control elements, which is a great advantage in PvE content, including raids.
Of course, survivability also plays a key role. An adequate selection of talents makes Beast Mastery more resilient. The main task of BMH is to maintain the health of your beasts and keep a safe distance from melee bosses using kiting tactics. Using abilities to control helps to withdraw or remove the enemy from the battle, as well as protect allies in critical situations.

Demonology Warlock
A type of spellcaster that focuses on summoning demons to fight on their side is known as a Demonology Warlock. These warlocks use powerful dark magic to deal damage and have a variety of spells that allow them to effectively manage AoE damage, group control, and targeted attacks on individual targets. In dungeons and raids, Demonology Warlocks can greatly enhance their team's capabilities with their mass control abilities and sustained DPS. With abilities such as Fear and Axe Toss, they can effectively slow or stop enemies. With Hand of Gul'dan and Implosion Demonology, Warlocks can deal damage to numerous enemies at once. That's making him one of the best DPS classes Dragonflight.

Protection Paladins
In raids, Protection Paladins excel at their primary task, thanks to their ability to effectively deal with single targets as well as multiple enemies. Thanks to their wide range of defensive abilities, they are excellent at surviving in difficult situations where other tanks may get confused. Thanks to abilities such as Blessing of Freedom and Steed of Glory, they are especially useful in battles that require mobility and quick defense of raid companions.
Avenger's Shield, which not only deals damage and stops enemies, but also generates Holy Power and imposes a small jamming effect on affected targets, so they cannot cast their spell. In addition, Judgment will be key, dealing damage and generating Holy Power, which is crucial to maintaining a constant flow of this resource.
Blood Death Knight
Among S-tier classes in Dragonflight the best tank is DK. Using the Death Strike ability, the Death Knight can regenerate his health, but this requires constant maintenance of Runic Power using other hero abilities. This makes him a hard-to-reach target that can withstand enemy pressure, making him a good tank. Blood also has a versatile and effective set of defensive and offensive tools that allow him to soak up damage while the rest of the raid team does its job. The Death Knight is excellent in situations where you need to effectively manage high levels of incoming damage. They are especially good at dealing with large groups or even bosses that deal with significant DPS.
The Knight is useful due to its wide range of abilities that will suit different situations: Anti-Magic Shell, Icebound Fortitude, Lichborne, and Vampiric Blood. Predictable but simple rotation, with options that allow you to get the most out of this specialization in the hands of an experienced player. Their toolkit allows them to be flexible and respond to the dynamics of a raid fight, making them the best choice for raid leaders looking for a tank that can quickly adapt to changing conditions in battle.
