Deadlock is the latest MOBA-shooter from Valve, featuring a wide range of characters as expected from this genre. Ranking the best characters in the game is quite complex, but after dozens of hours of gameplay, it is possible to highlight both strong and fairly weak heroes.
Characters are rated based on the strength of their abilities, flexibility, team synergy, resilience to counterattacks, and their overall potential.
Characters in this tier are significantly less effective than others. They may have niche uses in specific strategies but are generally less competitive and need improvements to boost their performance. While not entirely hopeless, they are rarely seen in optimal selections due to obvious weaknesses.
1. Grey Talon: One of Deadlock's snipers. He relies on distance control and territorial management. He performs well in lane and can deal damage from a long range, but requires precise positioning and mechanical skill. Grey Talon constantly needs protection from teammates and becomes useless when falling behind.
- Holds lane decently.
- Clears jungle well.
- Can be a good counter-pick against certain heroes.
- Mechanically difficult to play.
- Useless when behind.
- Lacks mobility.
- Requires strong communication with the team.

2. Mcginnis: An engineer hero. She easily secures positions with her turrets. Good in 1v1 laning but lacks innate mobility, making her vulnerable to ganks. Many players like her for her simplicity and territory control, but several nerfs have reduced her threat level.
- Easy to learn.
- Strong early game.
- Good at controlling territory.
- Low mobility and static gameplay.
- Weak in late game.
- Lacks control abilities.

Characters in this class are reliable but require specific strategies or team synergy to maximize their impact. They show average results, with notable strengths, but experienced opponents can easily exploit their weaknesses. They are still good choices for certain situations but don’t stand out as key heroes.
1. Wraith: A good hero for split-pushing and dueling, thanks to her versatile abilities with quick cooldowns. She can deal damage from a distance and is hard to reach due to her teleport ability. However, Wraith demands a self-centered playstyle, making her somewhat of an egotistical hero.
- Becomes a real threat if map control is well understood.
- Great set of abilities, including one of the best CC skills.
- Excellent at wave clearing and tower destruction.
- Very weak when behind.
- Fragile early game.
- Highly vulnerable without teleport.

2. Lady Geist: A vampire or warlock character who uses her own health to activate abilities and can drain the life of enemies. If you’re good at headshots, she becomes extremely powerful.
- One of the best duelists, making her a strong pusher.
- Low ability cooldowns.
- Hard to kill, with the potential to turn team fights around.
- Weak basic weapon.
- Abilities cost health.

3. Infernus: A great hero for beginners. His abilities are straightforward, and his builds don’t require deep game knowledge. He’s a decent initiator with good area-of-effect (AoE) damage. He excels in lane and can easily gain a gold advantage, though his abilities should be used cautiously in the early game.
- Easy to learn.
- High AoE damage, with lifesteal.
- Effective in team fights and ganks.
- Vulnerable to anti-healing items.
- Difficult to play from a distance.
- Weak when behind.

4. Vindicta: A classic sniper who excels at hitting targets from a safe distance. She's challenging to play, as she requires both mechanical skill and constant awareness of positioning and build decisions. Her power grows with advantage, making her snowballing potential high.
- Strong in lane.
- Powerful in tempo-based gameplay.
- Great potential for ganks due to flight ability.
- Lacks mobility.
- Very weak when behind.
- Difficult to master.

5. Bebop. Here is the hero with a hook in Deadlock. An unparalleled hero for creating moments in the game and applying pressure on the map. However, his hook can also become a weapon against your team; you need to understand which target to pull, whether you can do it, and what the strengths of the hero next to you are. Opponents can easily punish you for an unnecessary/miscalculated hook.
- Good initiator
- Strong in ganks
- Works well with many heroes
- Lacks mobility
- Long cooldowns on abilities
- Difficult to play in open areas

6. Lash. A very mobile and mechanically challenging hero. The hero easily closes in on enemies, dealing a significant amount of burst damage. Thanks to her ultimate ability, Lash can easily turn a team fight in her favor. However, the hero struggles against many characters and rarely gains a substantial advantage on the lane.
- High mobility
- Mass control and a lot of burst damage
- Easily ganks other lanes
- Difficult to play from a distance
- Long cooldowns on abilities
- Hard to master

Although the heroes of this tier slightly lag behind the S-tier, they still remain a strong backbone for the team. They effectively perform their roles and can make a significant contribution to the game, but they may require more skill or have more weaknesses that opponents can exploit. These heroes can competently stand up to the strongest, but are not always that versatile
1. Seven is an extremely strong and easy hero who deals damage not only to single targets but also massively eliminates enemies. With the hero's abilities, it's hard to miss; there is guaranteed crowd control, which makes him feel quite safe on the lane and easily gain resources. The hero is very popular, but in the latest update, he was significantly nerfed, so now you need to be more cautious when using Seven.
- Strong abilities with a large area of effect
- High DPS
- Safe laning stage
- High farming and pushing potential
- Not a mobile hero
- Weak against heroes who can close in on him
- Requires a very good and situational build

2. Warden - a hero who is not only a powerful frontline for his team but also a decent duelist. He can have a great impact in team fights, reducing the enemy's endurance and blocking key threats. His base stats and abilities make him very dangerous for opponents.
- Hard to beat in 1v1
- Can turn small mistakes into easy kills
- Can effectively play almost 1v5 if he gains enough of an advantage
- Extremely tanky and deals a lot of damage
- Strong laning phase
- Vulnerable against ranged characters
- Needs space to unleash his ultimate ability, as it has a charging time.

3. Mo & Krill - a tank who becomes a true wall for his team. They are very fun to play, but it’s hard to maximize their utility due to the hero's short range. Despite his size, he is quite mobile and easily closes the distance with enemies.
- Incredible mobility with Burrow
- One of the best CC (Crowd Control) in the game
- Incredible area damage
- Very weak at a distance
- Items against healing
- Large hitbox.

4. Paradox. For a long time, this hero was considered weak and unreliable. Over time, at various tournaments and at high MMR, very strong players began to emerge using Paradox. The hero is very challenging and requires creativity, but the rewards are significant. He adapts to various situations, can create moments, and apply pressure on the map. All the secrets of the hero can be uncovered by playing him for a long time.
- Adapts to different situations
- Can easily create a winning situation for your team
- High potential on the lane
- Requires maximum understanding of both his and enemy heroes' abilities
- Difficult to build the required setup

5. Kelvin. One of the easiest heroes to master and also one of the most versatile. He can be both a great support and a decent damage dealer. Variability and utility are what make the hero one of the best in the game, BUT he does not have the best laning phase, and healing reduction items also significantly weaken Kelvin.
- Versatility and ease of play
- High mobility and potential for rotations
- Powerful skill set
- Low attack speed
- Items against healing
- Average laning phase

6. Shiv. A great fighter with extraordinarily high single-target damage. His set of abilities encourages you to create advantageous fights and quickly end them with kills. If you can punish enemies for their mistakes, then Shiv will be one of the best heroes. The only problems arise when you fall behind in resources, as the hero becomes useless.
- High damage to a single target
- Very mobile
- Good in lane and quickly clears the jungle
- Very strong weapon
- Lack of control
- Useless when behind
- Requires understanding of what's happening in battle; your playstyle is all-in

7. Yamato is a unique hero, she is unlike any other. Another very challenging hero, she heavily relies on the player's skill to press buttons, quickly assess situations, position correctly, etc. If you can master Yamato, then you'll unlock the potential to win games literally 1vs9.
- Very high damage
- Good initiator
- Good mobility paired with lethal abilities
- Strong split pusher
- Takes a long time to master
- Weak at the beginning of the game
- Can only attack from close range

8. Viscous. Another very challenging hero to master, but once learned, he offers an incredibly diverse gameplay experience. He can mass control enemies, providing his team with plenty of opportunities for an easy victory. The hero himself is difficult to kill; if you try to chase him, you might end up in a trap.
- Resilient and mobile
- Good initiator
- Works very well in tandem with other heroes
- Hard to master
- Weak when behind
- Difficult to play from a distance

S-tier heroes are the strongest in the game; they set the tone for the current meta due to their power and versatility. With excellent abilities and minimal weaknesses, they are always a reliable choice. Players should be prepared to counter these characters, as they can dominate any situation and significantly increase the chances of victory.
1. Pocket. This guy is one of the toughest heroes in Deadlock, but his potential is immense. Pocket is one of the best heroes for learning and honing skills, as he is capable of a lot as a DPS character. The hero is based on spiritual builds, is very mobile, deals a lot of damage, but needs to be close to enemies. If you like interesting mechanics and gameplay, then Pocket is the best option.
- High area of effect (AOE) damage
- Capable of destroying any enemy hero
- Strong in lane
- High mobility
- Difficult to master
- Weak against ranged heroes
- Suffers against silence effects

2. Dynamo. A reliable support who can win any game and be useful at all stages. He has an extremely large array of typical support effects: control, healing, buffs. He can not only be a mere helper; his damage can also impress. High-ranking players highly value Dynamo and always prioritize him.
- Very powerful AOE control
- Tanky and simultaneously a good utility hero
- Extremely strong in the mid and late game
- High damage at the beginning thanks to his weapon
- Lacks mobility
- Easily disrupted by control
- Long cooldowns at the beginning of the game, so it can be somewhat tough on the lane

3. Abrams. Another tank who quickly closes the distance. Thanks to his high mobility, he can position himself easily and make a maximum contribution to his team. Abrams has high damage and control. Problems arise against ranged heroes, such as the very popular Vindicta.
- Easy to master
- Strong at every stage of the game
- Extremely powerful at close range
- High mobility
- Strong crowd control (CC)
- Very weak at a distance
- Long ability cooldowns
- Items against healing

4. Haze. Another very strong and popular hero. The hero is based on an assassin playstyle, which revolves around isolating targets. It's important to understand that Haze is a snowball carry; she ramps up well but can only be useful when behind with her sleep dagger. The ultimate ability is almost identical to Reaper's in Overwatch, offering a lot of AOE damage in team battles.
- Literally shreds enemies when she has resources
- Moves safely around the map due to invisibility
- Strong at killing isolated targets
- Hard to play from behind
- Easily disrupted by control

5. Ivy is one of the most versatile heroes in Deadlock. She can be a decent support while also dealing a significant amount of damage. This little creature possesses control effects, and at close range, she becomes a true killer if built correctly.
- High variability
- Very mobile with the ability to fly and the only character with 4 endurance
- One of the best weapons in the game
- Useful at all stages of the game, even when behind
- Stone form has a long cooldown, so you need to choose its use wisely
- Items against healing
- The hero is not the easiest to master

Full Tier List of Characters

Thus, the heroes of Deadlock are very diverse, each with its unique style, allowing every player to find a character to their liking. Each hero has strengths and weaknesses, but each can be strong if used correctly. It's important to understand that not only the choice of hero is crucial, but also the understanding of the macro moments in the game.