Marvel Rivals has only been available to the public for a small number of days, but fans are absolutely hooked on this superhero game. Each game, specifically competitive titles like Marvel Rivals, has its own in-game currencies that often allows you to buy extra characters. The great thing about Marvel Rivals is all characters are unlocked, and only cosmetics and other items are available for purchase in the store.
In Marvel Rivals, there are three in-game currencies to deal with, let's take a look at how each of them work in the game:

There are three currencies players can acquire in Marvel Rivals with the first being Lattice. It sounds confusing at first there are three currencies, but it will make sense later on. Lattice is the conduit between the other two in-game currencies.
Lattice is used as an exchange between the other currencies. Lattice can only be purchased using real-life money, which then can be exchanged for the others. Think of League of Legends, players need to purchase Riot Points in order to buy skins, think of Lattice in the same way, but instead of purchasing skins, it's used to get other currencies. Not only can you exchange Lattice for other currencies, but you can also buy the Battle Pass.
Units are the main currency in Marvel Rivals and you'll most likely be using them throughout your time playing the game. Units allow you to buy cosmetics such as skins and other cosmetics within Marvel Rivals. As mentioned previously, you can get units by exchanging your Lattice. There are many ways you can earn units throughout your time in Marvel Rivals. Firstly, the Battle Pass will earn you Units as you progress through the levels. Secondly, you can do events, these are tasks you must complete during your multiplayer games, which will earn you event XP that in return gifts you Units. Thirdly, completing milestones such as Heroic Journey will earn you Units.

Chrono Tokens

The last currency you can earn in Marvel Rivals is Chrono Tokens. These tokens are used to buy specific items that are in the battle pass. If there is a specific skin you like, you can use Chrono Tokens to purchase that individual skin. Players can earn Chrono Tokens in a variety of ways. Firstly, daily missions are a great way to earn Chrono Tokens. These missions are as simple as winning your first match. Like with Units, Chrono Tokens can also be acquired through achievements and seasonal events.