Tusk Guide - Dota 2

Tusk Guide - Dota 2

Tusk is a versatile hero in Dota 2, known for his powerful control abilities, initiation potential, and high mobility. Thanks to his skill set, Tusk excels at closing the distance to enemies, disrupting team fights, and creating opportunities for his team. He is suitable for different roles such as full support, roamer support, or even offloader, depending on the team's needs and the player's playstyle.

In this guide, we will take a closer look at the key aspects of playing Tusk, its most effective builds, useful strategies and tips to maximise its potential. You'll learn how to effectively use his abilities to initiate team fights, control the battlefield, and deal significant damage to enemies while creating space for your team to dominate the game in Dota 2.


Understanding the basics of the hero

Tusk is a melee hero that specialises in initiating, controlling enemies, and dealing significant damage at short range. His main strength lies in his ability to quickly approach enemies and hold them with Snowball and Ice Shards. Tusk is great for aggressive playstyles where you need to initiate fights, wreak havoc in team fights, or isolate key enemies for quick destruction.

Thanks to its abilities, Tusk can play the role of initiator, offloader, or roamer-support, depending on the team's needs and playstyle. His high mobility and control make him dangerous for enemies, especially in the early stages of the game, when he can effectively gank and help his team gain an advantage.

Tusk's strengths:

  • Powerful initiation: With Snowball, Tusk can quickly approach enemies, knocking them down and dealing damage. This is an ideal tool for starting a fight or rescuing allies by trapping them in a snowball and moving them to safety.
  • Zone Control: Ice Shards is a great ability for blocking enemies' paths, limiting their ability to escape or creating favourable conditions for your team during battles. This makes it useful not only for initiating, but also for defending important points on the map.
  • High explosive damage: Thanks to Walrus Punch, Tusk is able to deal huge burst damage, especially against enemies with low health. This makes him a dangerous opponent that can take out key heroes in a few seconds.
  • Flexibility in positions: Tusk can play a variety of positions, including sapper, offloader, and even mid, thanks to his control and survival abilities. His Snowball and Ice Shards allow him to adapt to different situations and support the team.

Weaknesses of Tusk:

  • Dependence on initiation: Tusk relies heavily on his ability to be the first to start a fight. If he fails to initiate successfully or if enemies get out of his control, his effectiveness is significantly reduced.
  • Unstable control: Ice Shards can be a useful blocking ability, but its effectiveness depends on precise timing and the right situation. An unsuccessful attempt to use Ice Shards can give enemies the opportunity to escape or even cause inconvenience to allies.
  • Limitations in the laning game: While Tusk is powerful in the early and mid-game, its effectiveness in laning is often reduced without the proper set of items. His burst damage can be insufficient against well-protected enemy heroes, making it difficult for him to support the team in the late game.
  • Vulnerability to magic attacks: Since Tusk relies heavily on melee and has limited tools to avoid magic control, he can easily become a target for enemy control and magic damage abilities, limiting his activity in battles.

Tusk's Counterpicks

Hero Table
Hero Disadvantage Win Rate Matches
Sand King 2.34% 40.00% 29,723
Muerta 2.28% 45.67% 4,900
Ember Spirit 2.20% 46.24% 9,195
Dark Willow 2.09% 44.21% 9,889
Batrider 1.54% 51.57% 2,327

Who Tusk is good against

Hero Table 2
Hero Advantage Win Rate Matches
Lycan 3.45% 48.91% 2,705
Abaddon 2.63% 42.20% 12,663
Chen 2.30% 54.59% 806
Pudge 2.01% 46.56% 44,383
Phantom Assassin 1.98% 47.12% 29,676

Tips for the Tusk laning stage

Tusk is a melee hero that excels with its powerful initiation and aggressive lane capabilities. His ability to control opponents and take them out of the fight makes him an important hero for creating pressure in the early stages of the game. Here are a few key aspects of playing Tusk in the lane:

  • Use of Ice Shards: This is one of Tusk's key abilities that allows you to block enemies and create favourable conditions for attacking. Use Ice Shards to prevent the enemy from escaping or to isolate them from their allies. It's important to practice using this ability accurately, as an unsuccessful block can give enemies the opportunity to escape the battle.
  • Snowball for initiation and survival: Snowball allows Tusk to avoid enemy spells and attacks, as well as to quickly initiate a fight. You can use Snowball to either aggressively attack an enemy or to get yourself or your allies out of the way of an enemy attack. Don't be afraid to use Snowball to prevent an ally or yourself from dying, or to initiate a combined attack with your team.
  • Tag Team to increase damage: Tag Team greatly increases the physical damage of attacks from both Tusk and his allies. This ability is particularly effective when exchanging blows in lane or ganking. Use it when your team is ready to deal damage to maximise its potential.
  • Line Control: Tusk can effectively put pressure on the opponent due to its aggressive abilities. It's important to find opportunities to trade blows with enemies, using Ice Shards and Tag Team to create an advantage.
  • Rotate to other lines: Tusk is a great hero for rotations due to his ability to initiate the fight and control opponents. Use Snowball and Ice Shards for effective ganks to other lanes. It is important to maintain an aggressive pace of play and create pressure on all parts of the map.
  • Survival with Snowball and Walrus Punch: In critical situations, you can use Snowball to avoid deadly attacks or prepare for a counterattack. Additionally, Walrus Punch can be used not only to deal heavy damage, but also to stop dangerous enemies trying to escape. Successfully used abilities can dramatically change the course of a battle.
  • Team interaction and coordination: Tusk is at his best when he is part of a team that can follow his initiations. Coordinating with heroes that have additional control or damage abilities will allow you to maximise your impact on the game. Your skill can open up opportunities for your team to make kills or capture important objectives

Tusk is a hero that combines an aggressive playstyle with the ability to effectively control the line. His success depends on the accurate use of abilities, teamwork, and active pressure on enemies in the early stages of the game.


Tusk build

Tusk is a hero that combines abilities to initiate combat, control enemies, and deal explosive damage. He is a powerful tool for team ganks and can act as a tank or semi-curry depending on the circumstances of the game. His abilities give him an advantage in both survival and creating opportunities for his team.

Facets on Tusk:

  • Tag Team: Tusk can use Tag Team, which causes nearby enemies to take extra damage from attacks.

  • Drinking Buddies: Tusk can use Drinking Buddies, which draws him and an ally closer together and gives them both extra movement speed and attack damage.

Which facet you choose depends on your playstyle and role. However, most players prefer Drinking Buddies.

Talents and Abilities

Ability and Talent Table
Lvl Ability Talent
1 Ice Shards
2 Drinking Buddies
3 Drinking Buddies
4 Snowball
5 Drinking Buddies
6 Walrush PUNCH!
7 Drinking Buddies
8 Snowball
9 Snowball
10 Snowball
11 +0.75 Walrus Punch Stun Duration
12 Walrush PUNCH!
13 Ice Shards
14 Ice Shards
15 +325 Health
16 Ice Shards
17 Ice Shards
18 Walrush PUNCH!

Tusk items

Tusk is a flexible hero that can play different roles on the battlefield. He can be a strong initiator and tank, as well as a great support character. In this example, we will consider the support/initiator build option. Other builds and roles for Tusk can be found on portals such as Dotabuff and others.

  • Starting Items: Tango, Blood Grenade, Enchanted Mango, Iron Branch, Wind Lace.

  • Early game: Bracer x2, Arcane Boots.

  • Midgame: Solar Crest, Eul's Scepter of Divinity.

  • Late game: Blink Dagger, Aghanim's Scepter.

  • Situational items: Force Staff, Vladmir's Offering, Lotus Orb.

  • Neutral Items: Gossamer Cape, Psychik Headband, Ogre Seal Totem.

A good example of playing as Tusk in Dota 2

You can watch the game of the player Saksa on Tusk to see how to implement the above tips for this hero. In particular, you will see a clear example of how to separate the enemy lane, how to successfully deny creeps, take position during files, etc.


Thanks to our tips and tricks, you will be able to build an effective build for Tusk in Dota 2 in 2024 that will be relevant to the current patch and help you increase your winrate with this hero. You will better understand Tusk's strengths and weaknesses, and be able to make the most of his initiating and support abilities in battle. The right selection of items and competent play will allow you to dominate the battlefield and help your team achieve victory.

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