What is the Loyalty Badge in CS2 and how to get it?
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  • 13:03, 09.01.2024

What is the Loyalty Badge in CS2 and how to get it?

Counter-Strike is a video game series that has been around for decades, and the Loyalty Badge was added as a way to commemorate that.

Although we are now all playing CS2, the Loyalty Badge was originally added in CS:GO, and this guide will tell you everything you need to know about one of the game’s most desirable items. 

What is a Loyalty Badge in CS2?

Although the Loyalty Badge is still a feature in CS2, we have to go back to CS:GO to answer the question: what is a Loyalty Badge in CS2?

Way back in 2018, years after its release, CS:GO was made to be a free-to-play game. While new players would still have to pay in order to access Prime Status, those who already had bought the game were awarded Prime Status and the Loyalty Badge. Therefore, the Loyalty Badge was there to signify that you had owned the game prior to it becoming free-to-play. 

Despite this, just like Service Medals or Veteran Coins, there is still an achievement for Loyalty Badges in CS2. 

CS2 star
CS2 star

How to get a Loyalty Badge in CS2?

The Loyalty Badge was originally added as a reward for players who had bought CS:GO, prior to the game becoming free-to-play. 

However, it is now possible to earn a Loyalty badge in CS2. In order to get a Loyalty Badge in CS2, players have to put a substantial amount of time into the game. Although there is no clearly defined number, it is estimated that it takes around 2000 hours of playtime in order to earn a Loyalty Badge in CS2.

Once earned, you will then be able to display it on your profile.

In-game loyalty badge
In-game loyalty badge
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How to display a Loyalty Badge in CS2

Like all other coins and medals, you can display the Loyalty Badge on your CS2 profile. To do this, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open CS2.
  2. Open your inventory.
  3. Find the Medal section.
  4. Locate the Loyalty Badge.
  5. Right-click the Loyalty Badge.
  6. Click ‘Display’

You will now be displaying the Loyalty Badge as your primary medal in CS2. This means that when you press ‘tab’ to open the scoreboard in-game, the Loyalty Badge will be what is displayed next to your name.

Can you buy, sell, or trade a Loyalty Badge in CS2?

In short, no. You can not buy, sell, or trade a Loyalty Badge in CS2. Due to the nature of what Loyalty Badges are meant to represent, they were added to the game as a non-tradeable item. This means that you can’t include them in trade deals, nor can they be listed on the Steam Market. As a result of this, there is no price for the Loyalty Badge in CS2, like Major Coins, it is a truly priceless item.

CS:GO Major Paris 2023 Badge
CS:GO Major Paris 2023 Badge

Other ways to get Loyalty Badges in CS2

Although you can’t trade Loyalty Badges in CS2, there is still a way to purchase one. However, we do not recommend this as it goes against some of Valve’s policies.

To do so, you would have to find an account with a Loyalty Badge and purchase it. Just be warned, you may get a ban as a result of this as selling and buying accounts violates Valve’s terms of service. 

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