Dota 2 Split Pushing Guide

Dota 2 Split Pushing Guide

Dota 2 is a complex multiplayer online game that requires not only quick reflexes but also a deep understanding of strategy. One of the key tactical approaches in the game is the split push. This strategy allows a team to create pressure on multiple lanes simultaneously, forcing the enemy to split up and weakening their defensive capabilities. In this article, we will explore what split push is, which heroes are best suited for it, and the most advantageous situations for using this strategy.

What is Split Push?

Split push is a strategy that involves dividing the team's forces to simultaneously pressure multiple enemy lanes. The main goal of split pushing is to distract the enemy, create a numerical advantage in other parts of the map, and gradually destroy enemy structures. Using this strategy can force the opponent to make difficult decisions about allocating their resources, often leading to mistakes and vulnerabilities. Split push also helps to spread enemies across the map, complicating their coordination and forcing them to leave their positions. This strategy is most effective when the team has heroes who can quickly clear creeps and deal significant damage to enemy structures, such as Anti-Mage, Nature's Prophet, or Lycan. An important aspect of split pushing is good vision on the map, which allows avoiding ambushes and efficiently moving between lanes. Additionally, split push can create windows of opportunity for capturing important map objectives like Roshan or outer towers when the enemy is forced to split their forces for defense.


Key Elements of Split Push

Mobility is a crucial component of split pushing. Heroes with abilities for quickly moving around the map or teleporting have a significant advantage, as they can swiftly change lanes of attack, creating constant pressure on the enemy. Examples of such heroes are Nature's Prophet, Anti-Mage, and Tinker.

Heroes capable of quickly destroying enemy towers and barracks also have a significant advantage in split pushing. This reduces the time needed to achieve objectives and lowers the risk of counterattack. Heroes with high damage output against structures or abilities that increase damage are ideal candidates.

The ability to survive enemy attacks is also important. Split pushing heroes are often far from their allies, so they must have means for survival. This can include escape abilities, invisibility, or high survivability stats.

Heroes for Split Push

Nature's Prophet is one of the most popular split pushers due to his ability to teleport across the map and summon treants that help destroy structures. Anti-Mage, with his high mobility and ability to quickly kill creeps, is also an effective split pusher. Tinker, thanks to his abilities to regenerate mana and teleport to a lane, can constantly pressure the enemy. Lycan, with his ability to summon wolves and increased movement speed, is also ideal for quickly destroying enemy structures. Ember Spirit, with Fire Remnant, can quickly move around the map and avoid danger, making him an effective split pusher.

Nature's Prophet
Nature's Prophet

Items for Split Push

  • Boots of Travel: Significantly increase movement speed and allow teleportation to any friendly unit or structure. They enable heroes to quickly change lanes of attack and respond rapidly to enemy movements, creating constant pressure.
  • Blink Dagger: Allows instant short-distance teleportation. It provides an opportunity to quickly escape from enemies or change position to continue destroying enemy structures.
  • Shadow Blade / Silver Edge: Shadow Blade provides invisibility, while Silver Edge adds the ability to disable passive abilities of enemies. It allows the hero to remain unnoticed while moving between lanes and avoid danger, significantly increasing survivability.
  • Desolator: Greatly increases damage against structures and reduces the armor of enemy units. It speeds up the destruction of enemy structures, reducing the time heroes need to spend under enemy towers.
  • Aghanim's Scepter / Aghanim's Shard: Improves or adds new abilities to the hero. It makes heroes' abilities more effective for split pushing, for example, adding the ability to summon additional units or enhancing attacks on structures.
  • Black King Bar (BKB): Provides protection against magical attacks and control. It allows heroes to avoid enemy control and continue attacking structures without the threat of being destroyed.
Blink Daggers
Blink Daggers

These items are critical for successful split pushing, as they provide mobility, survivability, and increase heroes' ability to deal damage to enemy structures. The right choice and use of these items can be a decisive factor in achieving victory in Dota 2.

When to Use Split Push?

Split push can be useful when the team is behind in economy or experience. It allows evening out the situation by forcing the enemy to split up and giving your team more space for farming. Even if you are not behind, split pushing can force the enemy to make mistakes, leaving weaknesses in their defense. The strategy is also useful for prolonging the game, giving your team time to acquire key items or reach critical levels. Besides, split push creates additional pressure on different parts of the map, forcing the opponent to spread their resources and forces, which can lead to their disorganization. This can also open up opportunities for surprise attacks or capturing important map objectives like towers or Roshan (depending on the game). Split push requires a high level of coordination and map awareness from your team, but when executed correctly, it can be a decisive factor for victory.

How to Counter Split Push?

Countering split push involves protecting key heroes capable of quickly responding to split push, such as Tinker or Nature's Prophet. Using wards to provide vision on the map helps detect split pushers and reduce the risk of their attacks. Heroes with global abilities, such as Zeus or Spectre, allow for quick responses to split push and eliminating enemies. Having teleportation scrolls (Town Portal Scrolls) and items like Boots of Travel allows your heroes to quickly move around the map and defend structures. It's also important to organize the defense of towers and base buildings by placing wards in critical points and maintaining constant pressure on the enemy. Using heroes with good creep-clearing abilities, such as Ember Spirit or Kunkka, can significantly slow down the split push. Besides, team coordination and quick response to enemy movements help prevent structure losses. Understanding resource distribution on the map and timely decision-making regarding movements can make split push less effective and reduce its impact on the game.

Side Dire
Side Dire


Split push in Dota 2 is a powerful strategy that allows teams to create constant pressure on multiple lanes, forcing the enemy to split their forces and increasing the chances of mistakes. Effective split push requires high mobility, the ability to quickly destroy structures, and the ability to survive enemy attacks. Heroes like Nature's Prophet, Anti-Mage, Tinker, Lycan, and Ember Spirit are ideal candidates for this strategy. Split push can be used both to even out the game situation and to create additional pressure on the enemy. However, countering split push is also possible through the use of heroes with global abilities, teleportations, and team coordination. Understanding and correctly using split push can be a decisive factor in achieving victory in Dota 2.

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