10 Best Insta Smokes in CS2 on Mirage
  • Guides

  • 17:51, 09.03.2025

10 Best Insta Smokes in CS2 on Mirage

With the arrival of CS2, the grenade throws on maps have changed, and now, to comfortably use grenades on Mirage, you need to relearn all the window insta-smokes. In this material, we've gathered 10 window insta-smokes on the Mirage map from different spawns.

How to throw window insta-smokes on Mirage?

First, let's figure out how to properly throw these smokes. Binds are not needed at all — Valve has added a mechanic where the grenade always flies the same way when thrown in a jump. Therefore, we will use regular jump throws and walkthrows.

To make it easier for you to practice grenades, we have added a setpos for each spawn, which you just need to insert into the console to get to the desired spawn! 


First Spawn

The first spawn is closer to mid, and to throw the smoke, you need to aim at the corner of the white wall where it connects with the red part, just below the balcony. Then perform a throw with a step forward (W) + jump. 

Spawn 1: setpos 1296.000000 32.000000 -103.968750;setang -28.974077 -165.835419 0.000000

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Second Spawn

The second spawn is closer to the A site. To throw the smoke into the window, aim to the left of the window at its center. Then perform a throw with a step forward (W) + jump.

Spawn 2: setpos 1296.000000 -352.000000 -103.968750;setang -42.373402 -173.123993 0.000000

Third Spawn

At the third spawn, you need to aim at the lower edge of the second fence. Throw it also with a step forward (W) + jump.

Spawn 3: setpos 1216.000000 -16.000000 -102.953156;setang -42.527588 -165.856613 0.000000

Fourth Spawn

At the fourth spawn, aim at part of the carpet and also throw with a step (W) + jump.

Spawn 4: setpos 1216.000000 -115.000000 -102.953156;setang -44.594982 -167.799286 0.000000

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Fifth Spawn

At the fifth spawn, aim at part of the iron fence on the wall, and then, as in previous times, press step (W) and jump.

Spawn 5: setpos 1216.000000 -211.000000 -100.616211;setang -45.990883 -170.314789 0.000000

Sixth Spawn

At the sixth spawn, it will be a bit more difficult. First, you need to aim below the window frame, and then step to the right until crossing the second beam. Once in position, press step (W) + jump.

Spawn 6: setpos 1216.000000 -307.000000 -100.823303;setang -46.432842 -170.927490 0.000000

Seventh Spawn

At the seventh spawn, aim slightly to the left of the pixel on the wall, then step back until you cross on the wall. Also, throw with a step (W) + jump.

Spawn 7: setpos 1135.998657 32.001320 -100.788452;setang -45.408260 -164.407379 0.000000

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Eighth Spawn

At the eighth spawn, aim at the right part of the letter A on the wall, then step back until the crosshair intersects with the top part of the carpet, and then throw with a step (W) + jump.

Spawn 8: setpos 1136.024658 -63.986389 -100.699768;setang -42.207283 -166.401123 0.000000

Ninth Spawn 

At the ninth spawn, first aim to the right of the window frame and then step back to the center of the fence on the wall. Then step (W) and press jump.

Spawn 9: setpos 1136.052612 -160.017456 -100.667618;setang -42.878700 -168.192429 0.000000

Tenth Spawn

At the tenth spawn, first aim to the left of the lower window frame and then step back to the start of the fence on the wall. Then step (W) and press jump.

Spawn 10: setpos 1135.997070 -256.000000 -100.836365;setang -27.521547 -171.046158 0.00000

Now, knowing all 10 window insta-smokes on Mirage, you can easily control mid and give your team an advantage in every round. Thanks to the new grenade mechanics in CS2, you don't need complex binds — just remember the correct aiming and type of throw.

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