I think that next time it will be right for the organizers to do it in such a way that the total amount there is let’s say $2000, 1st place $1000, 2nd place $650, 3rd place $350 and do not put skins on the main page, because that no one will receive exactly those skins. It will simply be that the first places will receive some skins, the second places will also receive some skins, and the third places will also receive some skins and there will be no disputes between the participants. Just show one picture, but in the end what you get is far from what is drawn
I’m not trying to force you to give all 3rd places a $200 discount, but I just want to understand why they did this to only 3rd places. It turns out that the 2 first places will receive what they should, the 10 second places will also receive what they should, and the 3rd places are not even close to what they could
I just wanted to understand why the 1st, 2nd places get what was promised, and the 3rd places don't even come close to getting what was promised? I understand that there are 35 participants in the 3rd place, but the prize fund for the 2nd month is $2,000, and the prize fund for the 3rd place is $100?
А як так вийшло шо 1-м місцям по ножу по 500 баксів, 2-м місцям по м4а1-с по 200 баксів, а 3-ім місцям по ак-47 по 2,5 бакса, мені здаеться, що це несправедливо по відношенню до 3 місць. Ніхто не просить давати 3-ім місцям по калашу імператриця але могли щось по краще дати
Vlad Rozu
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