All Cheat Codes for Radical Red
  • Gaming

  • 14:12, 07.10.2024

All Cheat Codes for Radical Red

Radical Red is a popular ROM hack of Pokémon FireRed, known for its increased difficulty, enhanced mechanics, and various modern features borrowed from newer generations of Pokémon. 

Like other ROM hacks, Radical Red players often use cheat codes to gain various advantages — to progress through the game faster or simply for more enjoyment of the gameplay. Here is a complete guide to all available cheat codes in Radical Red and how to use them effectively.

What You Need to Know Before Using Radical Red Cheat Codes

Firstly, Radical Red is a modification of Pokémon FireRed, so the cheat codes used for this game are primarily compatible with FireRed codes. However, it is important to be cautious when using cheat codes in any ROM hack, as some codes may cause the game to malfunction or even crash.

To enter cheat codes, you will need an emulator that supports GameShark, CodeBreaker, or Action Replay. Most emulators, such as VBA (Visual Boy Advance) or MyBoy!, support cheats, and you can enter these codes through the cheat options in the emulator.

How to Use Radical Red Cheat Codes

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to enter cheat codes in Radical Red:

  • Launch the emulator: Load the Radical Red ROM file into your emulator.
  • Go to the cheats menu: Each emulator has its own way of accessing the cheat code menu. Here’s a general guide:
  • For Visual Boy Advance (VBA): Go to the Cheats menu > Cheat List > Gameshark or Codebreaker.
  • For MyBoy! (Android): Go to the menu and select Cheats > New Cheat.
  • Enter cheat codes: Select GameShark or CodeBreaker, depending on the code format. Enter the appropriate cheat code and description.
  • Activate the cheat: After adding the code, ensure it is activated by checking the box or enabling it.
  • After inputting and activating the code, continue the game with cheats activated.
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List of Radical Red Cheat Codes

Game Codes
Code Description
820257C4 0044 Unlimited Rare Candy
C833D1A0 02FA7205
Instant Kill
509197D3 542975F4
78DA95DF 44018CB4
Walk Through Walls
EFCE867D 5403D40D Unlock All Badges
820257C4 YYYY (replace YYYY with TM/HM code below) Unlimited TM/HM
TM01 = 0121
TM02 = 0122
TM03 = 0123
TM04 = 0124
TM05 = 0125
TM06 = 0126
TM07 = 0127
TM08 = 0128
TM09 = 0129
TM10 = 012A
TM11 = 012B
TM12 = 012C
TM13 = 012D
TM14 = 012E
TM15 = 012F
TM16 = 0130
TM17 = 0131
TM18 = 0132
TM19 = 0133
TM20 = 0134
TM21 = 0135
TM22 = 0136
TM23 = 0137
TM24 = 0138
TM25 = 0139
TM26 = 013A
TM27 = 013B
TM28 = 013C
TM29 = 013D
TM30 = 013E
TM31 = 013F
TM32 = 0140
TM33 = 0141
TM34 = 0142
TM35 = 0143
TM36 = 0144
TM37 = 0145
TM38 = 0146
TM39 = 0147
TM40 = 0148
TM41 = 0149
TM42 = 014A
TM43 = 014B
TM44 = 014C
TM45 = 014D
TM46 = 014E
TM47 = 014F
TM48 = 0150
TM49 = 0151
TM50 = 0152
HM01 = 0153
HM02 = 0154
HM03 = 0155
HM04 = 0156
HM05 = 0157
HM06 = 0158
HM07 = 0159
HM08 = 015A
TM/HM Digits
820257C4 0001 Unlimited Master Ball
820257C4 YYYY (replace YYYY with healing item code below) Unlimited Healing Items
Potion = 000D
Antidote = 000E
Burn Heal = 000F
Ice Heal = 0010
Awakening = 0011
Parlyz Heal = 0012
Full Restore = 0013
Max Potion = 0014
Hyper Potion = 0015
Super Potion = 0016
Full Heal = 0017
Revive = 0018
Max Revive = 0019
Healing Item Digits
820257C4 YYYY (replace YYYY with miscellaneous item code below) Unlimited Misc Items
Bright Powder = 00B3
White Herb = 00B4
Macho Brace = 00B5
Exp Share = 00B6
Quick C Law = 00B7
Soothe Bell = 00B8
Mental Herb = 00B9
C Hoice Band = 00BA
King’s Rock = 00BB
Silver Powder = 00BC
Amulet C Oin = 00BD
C Leanse Tag = 00BE
Soul Dew = 00BF
Deep Sea Tooth = 00C0
Deep Sea Scale = 00C1
Smoke Ball = 00C2
Everstone = 00C3
Focus Band = 00C4
Lucky Egg = 00C5
Scope Lens = 00C6
Metal C Oat = 00C7
Leftovers = 00C8
Dragon Scale = 00C9
Light Ball = 00CA
Soft Sand = 00CB
Hard Stone = 00CC
Miracle Seed = 00CD
Black Glasses = 00CE
Black Belt = 00CF
Magnet = 00D0
Mystic Water = 00D1
Sharp Beak = 00D2
Poison Barb = 00D3
Nevermelt Ice = 00D4
Spell Tag = 00D5
Twisted Spoon = 00D6
C Harcoal = 00D7
Dragon Fang = 00D8
Silk Scarf = 00D9
Up-Grade = 00DA
Shell Bell = 00DB
Sea Incense = 00DC
Lax Incense = 00DD
Lucky Punch = 00DE
Metal Powder = 00DF
Thick C Lub = 00E0
Stick = 00E1
Miscellaneous Item Digits
820257C4 YYYY (replace YYYY with berry code below) Unlimited Berries
Cheri Berry = 0085
Chesto Berry = 0086
Pecha Berry = 0087
Rawst Berry = 0088
Aspear Berry = 0089
Leppa Berry = 008A
Oran Berry = 008B
Persim Berry = 008C
Lum Berry = 008D
Sitrus Berry = 008E
Figy Berry = 008F
Wiki Berry = 0090
Mago Berry = 0091
Aguav Berry = 0092
Iapapa Berry = 0093
Razz Berry = 0094
Bluk Berry = 0095
Nanab Berry = 0096
Wepear Berry = 0097
Pinap Berry = 0098
Pomeg Berry = 0099
Kelpsy Berry = 009A
Qualot Berry = 009B
Hondew Berry = 009C
Grepa Berry = 009D
Tamato Berry = 009E
C Ornn Berry = 009F
Magost Berry = 00A0
Rabuta Berry = 00A1
Nomel Berry = 00A2
Spelon Berry = 00A3
Pamtre Berry = 00A4
Watmel Berry = 00A5
Durin Berry = 00A6
Belue Berry = 00A7
Liechi Berry = 00A8
Ganlon Berry = 00A9
Salac Berry = 00AA
Petaya Berry = 00AB
Apicot Berry = 00AC
Lansat Berry = 00AD
Starf Berry = 00AE
Enigma Berry = 00AF
Berry Digits
82031DBC YYYY (replace YYYY with location code below) Teleport to Certain Places
Pallet Town = 0003
Viridian City = 0103
Pewter City = 0203
Cerulean City = 0303
Lavender Town = 0403
Vermilion City = 0503
Celedon City = 0603
Fuchsia City = 0703
Cinnabar Island = 0803
Indigo Plateau = 0903
Saffron City = 0A03
Neo-Saffron City = 0B03
Island 1 = 0C03
Island 2 = 0D03
Island 3 = 0E03
Island 4 = 0F03
Island 5 = 1003
Island 6 = 1103
Island 7 = 1203
Route 1 = 1303
Route 2 = 1403
Route 3 = 1503
Route 4 = 1603
Route 5 = 1703
Route 6 = 1803
Route 7 = 1903
Route 8 = 1a03
Route 9 = 1b03
Route 10 = 1c03
Route 11 = 1d03
Route 12 = 1e03
Route 13 = 1f03
Route 14 = 2003
Route 15 = 2103
Route 16 = 2203
Route 17 = 2303
Route 18 = 2403
Route 19 = 2503
Route 20 = 2603
Route 21 = 2703
Neo Route 21 = 2803
Route 22 = 2903
Route 23 = 2A03
Route 24 = 2B03
Route 25 = 2C03
Location Digits
3C25A344 FD8F451C
AD86124F 2823D8DA
Poké Mart Items Cost 1
420242DA03E7 000000070002 Max Stats for First Pokémon
4202433E03E7 000000070002 Max Stats for Second Pokémon
420243A203E7 000000070002 Max Stats for Third Pokémon
4202440603E7 000000070002 Max Stats for Fourth Pokémon
4202446A03E7 000000070002 Max Stats for Fifth Pokémon
420244CE03E7 000000070002 Max Stats for Sixth Pokémon
1670047D 04815C68
18452A7D DDE55BCC
Encounter a Shiny Pokémon
820257BC 423F
820257BE 000F
Unlimited Money on Code Breaker
29C78059 96542194 Unlimited Money on Gameshark
42023C08 6363
00000002 0002
Unlimited PP
Unlimited EXP
AA3BB0ED 41CD5D95 (use with nature codes below) Wild Pokémon Nature Modifier
Hardy = D0E34D66 5796A7D3
Lonely = D73BC50A 5F47AA0E
Brave = E485844D 2F24038C
Adamant = 5EB8DEEE 692ED298
Naughty = 83286B46 6479AA98
Bold = 35EB915F 08F33974
Docile = A58F6F1B BFB13FEF
Relaxed = 34027F23 7E7E1599
Impish = CDA2AB99 F89D5BB9
Lax = D593BF29 E18AAAE5
Timid = 1BC372C9 06B4D17F
Hasty = D4950A99 D729D80A
Serious = 93F04759 F95753D9
Jolly = E9EC2CBF A7EDD4A7
Naive = 56F744B0 37E16732
Modest = E1EB2109 4480C28D
Mild = A2461E51 304137B6
Quiet = 0456554B 66D3AAF9
Bashful = B05B4CCD A0A1505B
Rash = 909149AB 2DE8726A
Calm = 31F62F82 D9A0C100
Gentle = 9A41D845 41B93FE6
Sassy = D47DA721 6C3B9FFC
Careful = 1A15BF1E E72650E4
Quirky = 5A7B2626 21ECD183
Nature Codes
EB34F751 A96B854D
78DA95DF 44018CB4
Wild Female Pokémon
EB34F751 A96B854D
141BB87C 83D7018F
Wild Male Pokémon

How to Enter In-Game Codes for Radical Red 4.1

In addition to the usual cheat codes that can be entered using emulator functionality, the updated version of Radical Red allows the use of "official" in-game codes. To do this, you need to approach the TV in the middle of your house and enter the cheat code.

List of In-Game Cheat Codes for Radical Red 4.1

Game Features
Feature Description
TeamPreview Preview all opponents in enemy teams once per hour.
EZCatch 100% catch rate for any wild Pokémon.
Woyaopp Receive a Rare Candy and Pomeg Berry that increases happiness but reduces HP. Visit Viridian City and talk to the NPC next to the PokéCenter. Press 'yes'.
SO2Toxic Obtain care packages from various Kanto locations, eliminating the need to farm wild Pokémon for items using Thief.
DexAll View all available Pokémon in the area using the DexNav feature.
Puzzle Automatically receive puzzle rewards without having to complete the puzzle (works for movement challenges, time changer, Poke Vial, etc.).
Mega Unlock all Mega Stones after defeating Lt. Surge in New Game+ mode.
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