Rainbow Six Siege: Striker full guide
Rainbow Six Siege: Striker full guide

In June 2024, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege included Striker in its Operation New Blood expansion, assuming the default role of Recruit. Striker is an attack operator whose role is to make operators in-game flexible and effective. In this article, we explore in detail Striker's skills, gear, and performance maximization tips for both new and experienced operators.

Operator Overview

Striker is a two-speed, two-armor attack, offering a balanced combination of agility and durability. Unlike most operators, Striker doesn't have a dedicated gadget; she can, nevertheless, customize her loadout in a significant manner, and that's a big part of her r6 skillset, with a player customizing a specific attack for a specific situation in a real-time manner, based on enemy position and team demand.

Striker, like Sentry, are operators that were added to replace Recruit, and the main difference between them and other operators is that they have no abilities. Striker R6 ability is that the operator can carry two gadgets instead of one and ability.

Source: Ubisoft
Source: Ubisoft

Operator Strategy

To effectively use Striker, one must have a grasp of her arsenal and gadgets and use them appropriately in battles.

Weapon Type
Weapon Name
Primary Weapons
M4 Assault Rifle
Known for its accuracy and adaptability, the M4 performs both in close range and in the range in between. In case you're thinking about what gun does striker use r6, then the M4 is a reliable bet with its balanced recoil and high damage output.
Primary Weapons
M249 Light Machine Gun
With a high ammunition count, the M249 is best for use in suppressive fires, but with a demand for careful recoil management.
Secondary Weapons
5.7 USG Handgun
A reliable secondary weapon with an even firing pace and magazine capacity, perfect for secondary use.
Secondary Weapons
ITA12S Shotgun
A compact shot can serve effectively for room-clearing and breaching, providing tactical versatility.

Striker r6 weapons combine both firepower and versatility and with them, one can opt for a weapon based on one's gaming preference.

Source: Ubisoft
Source: Ubisoft
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Operator Gadgets

Striker's unique aspect is that she can carry two secondary gadgets, allowing for added operational variety for her. Her gadgets are:

  • Stun Grenades: Stun enemies to make room entries safer
  • Hard Breaching Charges: Permits opening of reinforced walls, creating new access routes.
  • Frag Grenades: Ideal for eliminating buried defenders or for demolishing gadgets
  • Impact EMP Grenades: Disable electronic gear, defeating enemy sensors and traps
  • Smoke Grenades: Block obscured field of view, enhancing strategic maneuvers or planting bids.
  • Claymores: Protect flanks and discourage roving defenders
  • Soft Breaching Charges: Quick soft surface breaching for altering attack avenues

Recommended Loadout for Beginners

Selecting the best striker loadout r6 for new players can make them a lot more effective in-game. One such starting loadout is:

Weapon or Gadget
Primary weapon
M4 Assault Rifle with a magnified optic, flash hider, and vertical grip to enhance accuracy and control.
Secondary weapon
5.7 USG Handgun for reliable backup in various combat situations.
Compact EMP Grenade and Hard Breaching Charges
Source: Ubisoft
Source: Ubisoft

Background and Overall Information

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Operator History

Striker was added in the Operation New Blood expansion to serve in place of recruit r6. With this switch, it hoped to give players a specific role but with enough adaptability for them to have in a player, similar to having a recruit in a map but with a specific role for them to have in a map.

Notable Characteristics

Striker's most defining characteristic is not possessing a specific, one-time-only device, a characteristic not shared with most operators in Rainbow Six Siege. By not possessing one, a high level of customizability is supported, with a player being capable of customizing her arsenal to one's preferred style and individual requirements of a single map. The r6 skill of a striker is having ease in role-switching, whether for opening, supporting, or direct combat.

Gender and identity

A common query for many of its players is, Is Striker a girl in R6? Striker is a female operator, adding yet another powerful and flexible character to the Rainbow Six Siege pool of characters. Her training and background prioritize her adaptability, and she is an ideal character for the new flexible attack role. 

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The community at large has embraced Striker positively, appreciating her freedom and versatility in customizing her loadout. Her performance in many roles is debated in forums and social media, with most appreciating her effectiveness, but not having a specific gadget being a disadvantage for a portion of players. Her versatility, in any case, has seen her become a valuable addition to compositions, supplanting traditional Recruit but offering deeper options tactically.

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