Thorin Suggested That Cloud9 Consider a Change Of Captain

Thorin Suggested That Cloud9 Consider a Change Of Captain

CS:GO analyst Duncan Thorin Shields shared his opinion on the teams' results at the IEM Rio Major 2022. He noted that the top teams should not be in a hurry to change the composition due to the failure at the Major.

The opinion that every elite team that fails a Major needs to change its lineup is exceptionally short-sighted. You destroy the team as soon as you realize it can no longer win. So maybe it's OK for NAVI, but I wouldn't make any substitutions in FaZe Clan roster.
Team Vitality needs to change the role of Spinx but keep the player the same. Possibly, to transfer the role of captain to someone else. Cloud9 can also consider transferring the leadership role. Well, Team Liquid was never an elite team in my eyes. It always needed replacements.
Duncan Thorin Shields

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IEM Rio Major 2022 took place from October 31 to November 13 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The teams won a prize fund of $1.25 million. Outsiders became the champions of the Major. The results and statistics of the competition are available here.

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