08:03, 21.08.2023

Sniper – SunPayus

It's hard to argue that there were few equal to Álvaro "SunPayus" Garcia in terms of AWP mastery at this event, and he only looked better at IEM Dallas 2023, which ENCE won. Although his team lost in the finals, his sniper rifle kill rate (0.465) ensured his spot in the "dream team".
Entry – dycha

Following his Spanish teammate from ENCE, Paweł "dycha" Dycha also made it into the dream team as an entry fragger. The Pole brought tons of impact almost every map, with only Vitality managing to deal with him in the final. Dycha's opening kill rate was 0.154.

Support – Jame

For the first time in a long time, someone other than Casper "cadiaN" Møller is in our "dream team" for the support role. This time it was the captain and sniper of, Dzhami "Jame" Ali. The combination of his flash assists (0.063), flash efficiency (2.54), and flash duration (3.62) rightfully earned him a spot in our top five.
Clutcher – flameZ

20-year-old Israeli Shahar "flameZ" Shushan can undoubtedly be considered a great acquisition for Vitality. It's not just that he is younger than his predecessor, Peter "dupreeh" Rasmussen and has substantial firepower. FlameZ reads game situations very well, allowing him to win seven clutches at Gamers8, setting a championship record.
MVP – ZywOo

Mathieu "ZywOo" Herbaut is already rightfully one of the main contenders for the title of best player of 2023. However, there's still a lot of time left in this year, but the MVP medal of Gamers8 awarded to the Frenchman is already his third such award this year. This means Mathieu is one step ahead of his competitors.

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