08:26, 20.01.2024
Last night, in his Telegram channel, the founder of The Witchers team talked about the future of the remaining players and the tag in general. His story was in the usual voice message.
According to him, he and Sdaim might join the German organization Sprout. He also talked about the future of Synyx, who has almost found a new home.
And Sdaim is already negotiating with Sprout. Earlier, fear had noticed that the manager of the German organization was present at his live broadcasts. And here's how fear sees his and the guys' future:
I know that Sprout approached Sdaim. Currently, negotiations are ongoing with the main roster's manager, but I know that they wanted to take him to the academy earlier. Danya and I talked, we're ready to wait a few days for some rumors to start, and if anything, we'll move somewhere together. If nothing happens, he can go to the academy or the main team alone.If I can't sell the slot in ESEA Advanced, I'll gather some boys from Ukraine, ages 13-14, reschedule matches, practice, and give them experience.
A bit earlier, fear showed the team's map statistics at the qualifiers for the major, which they failed to pass:
The Witchers team appeared on the scene in March 2023. During its existence, they managed to win $31,000 in prize money. These funds were earned mainly thanks to successes in a series of small online tournaments.
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