Skyesports Masters 2024 Shifts to Online Format Due to Indian Election Logistics

Skyesports Masters 2024 Shifts to Online Format Due to Indian Election Logistics

Skyesports has announced a significant format change for the Skyesports Masters 2024 Main Event due to coinciding with the Indian General Elections. Despite the initial plans to host a LAN event in Mumbai, obtaining the necessary permissions has become untenable given the context of the national elections. Therefore, the main event will now transition to an online format. This was reported on the official Twitter page.

This decision, though difficult, ensures the tournament's continuation from April 8 to 14. The event promises intense competition as eight teams, including Aurora , BIG, ENCE, Team Liquid, Ninjas in Pyjamas, and OG, compete for the $350,000 prize pool. Two more spots are yet to be determined through the European and Indian qualifiers.

Skyesports reaffirms their commitment to delivering a premium esports experience by promising a seamless live show, brought to viewers by a dedicated production team. For the Indian audience, Skyesports is taking additional steps to fly the winners of the Indian Qualifier to Serbia, ensuring they can compete on equal footing with other teams.

The organization acknowledges the disappointment this change may cause fans who were anticipating the LAN event. However, the priority remains to deliver the Skyesports Masters' action-packed CS2 matches to a global audience without compromise.

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