Rumors: Team Vitality is facing serious financial difficulties
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  • 11:38, 07.10.2023

Rumors: Team Vitality is facing serious financial difficulties

In their official Telegram channel, a well-known Belarusian insider, harumi, refuted the new insights from the French streamer KRL and dismissed them as wild nonsense. He also revealed the current state of the Team Vitality organization!


KRL has recently been talking a lot of nonsense and baseless claims. Or maybe it's just bytes). So, it's time to somewhat confirm or debunk certain rumors:  
— cadiaN definitely won't be joining Astralis, and gla1ve won't be going to Heroic.
— In Falcons, it's 100% -4, no more specifics. Rumors about Magisk are true, but the ones about device, NiKo, and m0NESY are pure madness.
— gla1ve did indeed test as a captain at NIP, but it's not final yet.

He also mentioned that there are two untouchable players in Team Vitality:

  •   Mathieu "ZywOo" Herbaut  
  •   Dan "apEX" Madesclaire  

These two players will definitely remain in the team, while all others may be sold, as the organization is facing financial problems.

It's worth noting that in his recent live broadcasts, KRL has been sharing a lot of insights, which are often contradicted by other well-known insiders.

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