Rumors: electroNic and Perfecto will leave NAVI roster following npl. The team will not have a single Russian player since 2013
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  • 16:36, 17.06.2023

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Rumors: electroNic and Perfecto will leave NAVI roster following npl. The team will not have a single Russian player since 2013

Today, Belarusian insider harumi shared a possible reshuffle in the Ukrainian organization Natus Vincere on his Telegram channel. According to him, three players will leave the roster at once - Denis "electroNic" Sharipov, Ilya "Perfecto" Zalutsky, and Andrey "npL" Kukharsky.

The first season of 2023 for the born to win ended not in the best way, namely the 9-11th place at the Paris Major 2023. This makes the season one of the worst in the history of the club, which clearly indicates the lack of prospects for the current roster.


NAVI: -npl, -electroNic, -Perfecto The probability of this information is 99%, a final decision has not yet been made on all players

None of the players have yet had time to comment on this situation, but Denis "electroNic" Sharipov has changed the description in his Steam profile, where the player removed the inscription: "playing for Natus Vincere", replacing it with "Playing for @@@".


How did the team perform in the last championship?

The last championship for the organization was the final major in Paris - Paris Major 2023, at which the team stopped at the legends stage and did not make it to the playoffs.

However, if we look at the statistics, Ilya "Perfecto" Zalutsky and Denis "electroNic" Sharipov showed good results, but of course, the newcomer of the team, Andrey "npL" Kukharsky, clearly fell in the championship statistics.

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Interesting Facts

  • If the reshuffles do indeed take place, it will be the first time since 2013 that there will not be a single Russian in the lineup. 
  • The golden CS 1.6 lineup is currently the only one where only Ukrainians have played.

Unfortunately, it seems there won't be a completely Ukrainian lineup as the team plans to switch to English for in-game communication.

According to the insider, Perfecto and electroNic will most likely continue to play together. But it is not yet known under which organization's wing the players will be taken.

If all these changes come into effect, the lineup will look as follows:

  • Valeriy "b1t" Vakhovskiy 
  • Oleksandr "s1mple" Kostyliev

Since the roster lock for BLAST Premier: Fall Groups 2023, the nearest tournament for NAVI, is scheduled for June 22, we can expect official statements from the club within the next five days. However, it's entirely possible that the team will play this tournament with a temporary replacement, and the final lineup will be introduced before IEM Cologne 2023 or the fall EPL Season 18.

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