Today, in his personal Telegram channel, the well-known Belarusian insider harumi announced that the new organization BLEED Esports was interested in Justin jks Savage. He recently left the organization G2 Esports for unclear reasons.
Currently, the organization only has a team coach, who is the well-known English-speaking analyst Aleksandar kassad Trifunović. However, as the insider claims, the signing of the new player apparently failed.
The main reason for the failure was that BLEED Esports will position themselves in the Asian scene. For jks, this would be a problem, as it would be much easier for him to obtain residency in Europe rather than Asia.
Recall that jks left the German organization G2 Esports on November 21, 2023.
BLEED was negotiating with JKS, but the problem is that they are based in Asia, and Justin would prefer to be in a European organization to easily obtain residency.
Until this moment, there were no more rumors about players for the future lineup of the new organization. And the organization has not made any loud statements yet.
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