Rumor: BetBoom Has Frozen the CS:GO Lineup
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  • 20:55, 07.01.2023

Rumor: BetBoom Has Frozen the CS:GO Lineup

Boombl4 most likely won't be returning to the pro scene anytime soon.

According to an insider, BetBoom has frozen the CS:GO lineup.

According to insider Harumi, the BetBoom organization has frozen the CS:GO lineup indefinitely. He also added that Kirill Boombl4 Mykhailov would not be in the lineup.

Who Are BetBoom?

BetBoom is an organization that entered the esports market last year and signed a Dota 2 team. According to rumors, at the end of 2022, the organization began to select players for the CS:GO team. Boombl4 was the first performer around whom the lineup was built.

What Is Happening With the BetBoom Lineup?

According to insiders actively spreading throughout the community, the BetBoom team has gathered several times and collapsed several times. Boombl4, Egor flamie Vasiliev, Denis deko Zhukov, Andrey Jerry Mehryakov, and Evgeny Aunkere Karyat were supposed to be the first members of the organization.

After that, the team fell apart and rebuilt several times, and it seems that the organization will not assemble a roster this season.

It looks like Boombl4 won't be returning to the pro scene anytime soon
It looks like Boombl4 won't be returning to the pro scene anytime soon


Why Did BetBoom Have Problems?

We described all the possible problems of BetBoom later. However, the answer to the question is straightforward: CS:GO is a very complex discipline. Compositions in CS can last for years without disbanding and bring profit only a few years after signing.

BetBoom clearly needs more management for such a discipline as CS:GO. CS is much more complicated than Dota 2. You can't assemble a one-day team with the organization for one season and show a good result. The composition of CS:GO is a long, systematic work that requires a separate discussion with experts.

That is why BetBoom failed to build a CS:GO lineup.

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What Will Happen to BetBoom?

The reshuffle is already gradually ending, and judging by everything. The organization still didn't sign a contract with any players. So, at least in the first half of the season, we will not see BetBoom on the CS:GO pro scene.

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