Reddit users thank Valve for “ruining” Counter-Strike 2
Reddit users thank Valve for “ruining” Counter-Strike 2

An active discussion has broken out on the Reddit platform among users who express their gratitude to Valve for the changes in Counter-Strike that, in their opinion, have led to the “destruction” of the game. The discussion, started by user Gummy-Bines, has gathered many comments from players who believe that these changes have had a positive impact on their lives.

This discussion attracted the attention of many gamers and became a hot topic in the community.

Counter-Strike has always been one of the most popular games in the world of eSports. However, recent changes to the game have caused a mixed reaction among players. Some players criticize Valve for the innovations that they believe have made the game worse, while others, on the contrary, consider these changes to be positive.


Gummy-Bines shared his story on Reddit, noting that the changes in Counter-Strike have forced him to spend more time on other activities. Instead of playing CS, he started cycling and cooking. He noted that he now has more time to do other things, and he no longer feels the pressure of playing the game.

Other users supported his opinion. User expressinghowifeel noted that he started cycling and golfing, made new friends and improved his life. User PrudentComfortable24 expressed his regret for the old days of CS 1.6, but noted that now the game is more focused on e-sports, which does not always have a positive impact on the game.

Other users, such as DeadlyDeadshot, noted that they sold their inventory in the game and bought real things that improved their lives.

A discussion on Reddit showed that even negative changes in the game can have a positive impact on players' lives. Players who expressed their gratitude to Valve for “destroying” Counter-Strike showed that sometimes it is worth giving up old habits and finding new hobbies that can make life more interesting and fulfilling.

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